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About rmbt418

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  1. Reducing visits to the nurse

    Alexis98, I am a school nurse at a middle school of 250 kids. My two strategies are as follows: Once a month (or as needed) I send a "frequent flier" lists via email to all staff, administrative and teachers. This list is those who come in frequ...
  2. RN to BSN at Excelsior?

    It's simply a video of you teaching a group of people a selected topic for 30 minutes.
  3. RN to BSN at Excelsior?

    I thought that it was still a requirement, but it could have changed. I did that course in the summer of 2011, so I do not know if it was changed after that.
  4. RN to BSN at Excelsior?

    You can do all of the classes through exam except the nursing courses just as the ASN was. You can push through as many classes as you can handle. The major difference between the ASN and BSN nursing classes is that with the BSN classes, you must do...
  5. RN to BSN at Excelsior?

    Excelsior's BSN program is a good program. I finished my ASN through Excelsior and I am now working on my BSN. I will be finished in mid April of 2012 (this year). It is overwhelming to do more than one nursing class and one Non-nursing class at one ...
  6. what am I doing wrong?

    Sounds like you are going in too far in or hitting the side of the vein. Either way, you are "popping" the vein. Don't go so deep next time. Watch for flashback and stop!
  7. Took Nclex 7 times, any help!!

    Just a thought..... I wonder if the problem is not your level of knowledge or understanding, but instead your anxiety or fear of failure. Have you considered investing some time and energy in relaxation exercises such as meditation or mind refocusin...
  8. Your attitude is unbelievable!!!!!!! You should spend a day following me around! It would change your mind completely! I started in home care as an aide (10 yrs), then as an LPN (2 yrs) and now I am an RN (2 yrs). I have never worked in a hospital ...
  9. EC Community-Focused Nursing exam

    I took it on 4/24/10.........earned a "C" with very little studying. It wasn't all that bad though. I am due for Research in Nursing next.
  10. EC Abnormal Psychology Exam

    I wouldn't have choosen that as the first one myself..............just my 2 cents. :)
  11. EC Abnormal Psychology Exam

    It was definitely hard! I could have studied more! I used an Abnormal Psy text that I purchased. Plus test study guide. I took the exams at the end of each chapter to find out my weak areas. Then read weak area chapters.
  12. Anybody take this exam yet? How was it?
  13. EC Abnormal Psychology Exam

    Thank you! I would be thrilled with a C! I'm having a hard time keeping interest in this subject. I am still studying.
  14. EC Abnormal Psychology Exam

    Exam A scored 51 Exam B scored a 59 Any thoughts?
  15. EC Abnormal Psychology Exam

    Anybody that took the EC Abnormal Psychology exam............did you find that the test was harder or easier than the practice tests (from EC)?? I am taking the exam this next Thursday.