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About mr.brice

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  1. What do you all think?

    Thank you all for your replies. I agree with all of you that universal precaution must be practiced everytime. However, this doesn't always seem to be the case in Japan. I think I will go ahead and ask the medical team to wear the gloves! even th...
  2. What do you all think?

    Dear :nurse:s What do you think about not wearing gloves during a blood draw? I was taught to always practice universal precaution if you even have a slight chance of being exposed to blood. I'm asking this because we will be have a yearly health ...
  3. Letter to parents regarding common health conditions

    We are a private international school (students from about 20 different countries) so we are pretty much on our own. We have to follow the Japanese labor law and geneal school health law but there's not a lot of guidelines out there for internationa...
  4. Letter to parents regarding common health conditions

    Thank you Nurse_Ziba :) I once found out accidently that this student had a herpes simplex infection on the corner of his mouth and he was in school without reporting his condition to the health office. By the time I found it, the blister already ha...
  5. Hi all:nurse:, At what point do you send out letters to parents with common health conditions such as conjunctivitis, strep throat, impetigo, herpes/cold sore etc...? Is it when it's starting to spread or when first case is reported or found? I try...
  6. Various Health Forms

    Thank you firefightingRN!:)
  7. Various Health Forms

    Hello :nurse:s, The previous nurse that worked here left on a bad term and left the school with nothing....I mean nothing! I am having to start from scratch with everything. I finally got the school health forms made and now I am starting to make oth...
  8. disinfecting bed linens

    Thank you! I will look into it :)
  9. Sharing students' medical info with teachers

    At my school (school of 300, K~12),the parents must call the secretary in the main office for all absences. Then the secretary posts via email "School Bulletin" every morning to all teachers and staff with announcements and today's school attendanc...
  10. disinfecting bed linens

    Thank you all for your replies!! I would rather have vinyl cots but I have limited budget so I have to work with what I have We don't have a washer so I have to take it home (in a 15 minutes train ride) or have them dry cleaned (which is not cost e...
  11. disinfecting bed linens

    Hi :nurse:s! Can everyone tell me what you do to disinfect the beds in your office? Especially the regular beds (not the bench kind) with mattress, bottom and top sheets with comforters. I try to wash them when they are soiled or during the holidays...
  12. We are a school of 300 students (K-12). I also don't provide first aid kits in each classrooms. There's one in Montessori (K) classroom and on our school bus. Montessori fist aid kit has bandaids, antiseptic and a thermometer. The bus driver reques...
  13. Lonely school nurse in Japan needs help!!!

    wow, thank you all for your kind comments there are good and bad days at work it doesn't help that this school that I work at has no "governance" system in place and things are very screwed up WASC accreditation team is coming next month so I was thn...
  14. I'm Japanese, born and grew up in Japan, went to the US at age 14 and then had to go back to Japan 3 years ago because my visa ran out and could not find a job/visa sponsor. Luckily found a job at an international school as a school nurse. I'm curre...
  15. Nclex

    [thank you traumahawk99. i cant wait to pass!