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About joker123

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  1. CPNE preparation

    Thank you
  2. CPNE preparation

    Thanks a lot
  3. CPNE preparation

    I have 4-5 months to prepare for CPNE and don't have any hospital experience (curently working in a vet hospital). How can I get some. What about volunteer in a local hospital? Please help me out. Thanks
  4. Questions about Excelsior?

    I have 4-5 months to prepare for CPNE and don't have any hospital experience(curently working in a vet hospital).How can I get some? What about volunteer in a local hospital. Please help me out. Thanks
  5. anyone out there preparing for the CPNE?

    I just applied for CPNE.I don't have any hospital experience. Any suggestions on how to get some? What about volunteer at a local hospital? Please help me out.Thanks