
Detroit_OR_RN BSN, RN

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  1. Did Pearson vue trick post 24 hrs nclex.

    I tried it in October 2015. I got the good pop-up and passed :)
  2. Has anyone used UWorld to study for NCLEX?

    I used Uworld to prepare for the NCLEX and thought it was extremely helpful. It's designed to look like the NCLEX, so when you go to take the NCLEX, it will seem familiar (potentially reducing stress). The rationales Uworld provided were great. What ...
  3. cloth hats

    We are allowed to wear them, but they must be covered with the disposable bouffant caps. I have long hair that I only wash every two or three days, but I wear a fresh cloth cap under my bouffant cap daily, so in my opinion, it's more sanitary than w...