
BrendanO MSN, RN

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About BrendanO

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  1. RUSH Gem Spring 2017 Cohort

    Search for Rush University GEM Cohort 21... that's us! Congrats on getting in!
  2. In need of study tips that won't fail!

    Read the textbook now, so by the time you're taking the class again, you'll already have seen all of the material at least once.
  3. TB skin test & titers

    You only need PPD and two titers? Yes, get them done at the same time! If they draw the tubes before they stick you for PPD, you are correct, they will have no effect on each other. You'll go back to get the PPD read before you even get the titer res...
  4. Confused about getting a nursing degree! Please help!

    Chemistry isn't a nursing pre-requisite? Why would you switch to the Education school for a child development degree and not finish your biochem program? You generally have to become an RN before you can be an NP, so it's not really "instead of". You...
  5. RN education advice

    The fastest and cheapest non-CCC option to become an RN is the Loyola ABSN program. It's 16 months (four semesters) and $52k. I think it would be very difficult to work while in it (it's 18 credit-hours per term).
  6. NP or MD

    No, many schools have non-degree certificate programs for practitioners who are already an APRN in one specialty but are looking to add/switch to another. The ones at my school are 8-12 months long. There are also joint programs that train for two sp...
  7. RN education advice

    Do you have evidence (not anecdotes) that RNs from two-year MSN programs have any more or less trouble finding a job than graduates of 15- or 18-month ABSN or two-year BSN programs? All three direct-entry MSN programs in Chicago say that they have 90...
  8. RN education advice

    Are you still looking to go to school in Chicago? There is no "best path", really. The programs you were considering back in April are all different in length, cost, and size. Personally, I picked Rush because it's a semester shorter than UIC, cheape...
  9. NP or MD

    JABSOM doesn't require a bachelors degree, just a minimum 90 credit-hours in specific areas.
  10. advice from nurses- patient unfair to tech

    Sorry to read about your unpleasant experience. In the ED you are often seeing patients and families on what is possibly the worst day of their lives. They are scared, confused, and in physical and emotional pain. It's a normal reaction for patients ...
  11. Jobs in nursing in social justice

    If you're open to relocating, look into the Indian Health Service. There's also the Global Health Service Partnership (the medical branch of the Peace Corps). Or, after you have a few years full-time experience, structure your work in the US in such ...
  12. NP or MD

    So you already have a bachelor's degree with organic chem, biochem, statistics/calculus, physics, etc. coursework completed? Have you considered an MSN/RN program and then a DNP? Some DNP schools have didactic courses you can be doing online while yo...
  13. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    These types of threads (and there are several on here) are fascinating, especially given the diversity of geography, experience, and credentials of the participants. Here's what I think I've learned from reading many of them: - scope of practice mat...
  14. Take one science at a time or two?

    Sounds like you're in a relatively good place to take on more. While working full-time, I took Bio and Chem in the same semester, and then Microbio, A&P1, and Psych the next semester. I think I averaged 3 hours a day of studying (more on weekends...
  15. So is there really a nursing shortage?

    Which is an illegal policy and should be politely challenged, when possible. Although in a right-to-work state, that's not going to matter much, they'll just find another reason to fire you if you stir the pot too much. Seems to me that the stronges...