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  1. CSN: 2 semesters done, 2 to go. A review so far...

    Just curious, since I'm coming up on my first exam for the first semester, how hard is it? I'm just curious, because I've been reading everything and studying like 12 hours a day. Am I overdoing it?
  2. CSN 2017 ADN program!

    I'm 40 points and no memo and I got the call today!!
  3. CSN FALL 2016

    What did you guys submit with your applications? You don't need the background check yet, right?
  4. CSN 2017 ADN program!

    We need that after we are accepted, right? We didn't need those for the application did we? My advisor didn't mention those for the application.
  5. CSN 2017 ADN program!

    Were we supposed to have turned in a background check, TB test and other immunization records with our application? I did not see that anywhere on the check list.
  6. CSN 2017 ADN program!

    40 full time and no memo
  7. CSN spring2017 HOPEFULLS

    I just applied to your page. I'm applying with 40 points. I'm a bit nervous myself!
  8. Are nurses generally more attractive

    I couldn't even make it past your first question where you made the mistake of using your instead of you're. :)
  9. Question about the nursing program.

    Indeed! However, after the nursing program I would love the 7 P.M to 7 A.M shift. Natural night owl here :)
  10. Question about the nursing program.

    Thank you for the responses!
  11. Question about the nursing program.

    How many days a week are clinicals usually?
  12. I don't have time to pee!

    lol same here I love how you stated it, though :)
  13. Online A&P Advice

    My classmate took online A&P, and she stated that it was harder.
  14. College Algebra

    Perhaps try meditation. Sometimes over studying can be detrimental. Also, the science nerd in me laughed at the fact that after you mentioned chemistry you talked about solutions.
  15. I was talking to a fellow classmate today and she told me that a friend of hers in the nursing program gets up at 4:30 A.M in order to be early for clinicals. My question is, what time do you all start your clinicals at? Does it start at 5:30 and yo...