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About zombieRN2019

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  1. BSN Our Lady of Holy Cross College...HELP!

    also, if you are still waiting, you probably got in. I got my rejection letter this past Saturday.
  2. BSN Our Lady of Holy Cross College...HELP!

    I received my rejection letter this weekend. They wanted me to take pre req classes at OLHCC. All of my classes were taken in my previous degree. They suggested that I enroll and take some co-requisite classes. However, I have already taken everythin...
  3. Nursing corps scholarship 2015-2016

    I was getting that same message, so I called and had them email me that document. They sent it while we were on the phone
  4. BSN Our Lady of Holy Cross College...HELP!

    Hi OnOn2RN, I have a quick question about your acceptance letter from OLHCC... Was it in a large envelope or a small one?? I'm on pins and needles waiting to see if I got in and letters won't be mailed out until the first week of May. I just want to...
  5. BSN Our Lady of Holy Cross College...HELP!

    Hi Meeky2006, Did you decide to attend OLHCC? If so, do you have any advice for prospective candidates? I applied for the Fall 2016 and am on pins and needles waiting to see if I get in!!
  6. HEY, William Carey Nursing School (MS) Tradition Campus Folks!!!!

    I have one last question: Are the classes on the Tradition small b/c it's just the smaller campus or do they have a lot of applicants and only take a small amount of people? Just worrying about my chances í ½í¸³. I'm kinda impatient for my appointmen...
  7. HEY, William Carey Nursing School (MS) Tradition Campus Folks!!!!

    Thank you so much for replying. I'm really thankful for any info that I can get! WoW! I didn't know that their classes were that small. Now, I'm worried about the competition even more so... Because I'm an older student with previous degrees ( 2nd ca...
  8. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2016-2017

    Same here, 10 years of teaching inner city kids, but no recent volunteer hours. I hope this will suffice!
  9. Nurse Corps Scholarship 2016-2017

    ElleMarie, our story is almost EXACTLY the same! I'm a divorced, single mother of one. I exhausted my financial aid in my previous degrees ( 1 bachelors, 2 Masters in education) and am hoping to get this award to fund this degree. I'll also be atten...
  10. BSN Our Lady of Holy Cross College...HELP!

    Hi Meeky2006, Did you decide to attend OLHCC? If so, do you have any advice for prospective candidates? I applied for the Fall 2016 and am on pins and needles waiting to see if I get in!!
  11. William Carey Nursing- Spring 2013

    Hi! I'm applying for WC- Tradition Campus this Spring. How was your experience (I'm assuming your finished)? Would you mind sharing your admission stats? Did they value TEAS V over gpa or vice versa? Were there many people accepted for admission? ...
  12. Hello, I have decided to apply for William Carey Nursing School (Tradition). I would like to learn any additional info from current students, former students, and current hopefuls on the school. Also, does anyone know what has more weight when consi...
  13. This ancient acrobat just got into Nursing school !

    I am about to be 35 this year and have just decided to go back and complete nursing school. I have been a high school science teacher for the past 10 years and have back for 2 masters degrees in education. After all of that, I made the decision in F...
  14. Our Lady of Holy Cross Nursing students/Pre Nursing Students

    I am currently applying for Fall 2016 admission and I'm worried because I have a previous degree that is not from OLHCC (I'm switching careers). I am worried that they will not accept me because I am a transfer student... How has your experience been...