Multicollinearity BSN, RN

Acute Care Psych, DNP Student

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About Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity has 4 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

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  1. Multicollinearity

    Is this type of schedule common?

    This is going to get complicated with federal and state laws.
  2. Multicollinearity

    Is this type of schedule common?

    Federal laws exempt healthcare facilities and allow a 14 day pay period without overtime for 80 hours and less.
  3. Multicollinearity

    Can't get federal aid, best private loans?

    Nobody in my undergrad nursing program could get any federal financial aid if they had already earned another undergrad degree.
  4. Multicollinearity

    Is this type of schedule common?

    I sometimes do 7 on 7 off, 12 hour shifts. I cannot imagine 2 weeks on/off unless it's at some remote outpost with a lot of downtime.
  5. Multicollinearity

    How do you pay for School

    Student loans for my ADN and BSN programs. Currently in DNP program, and I'm paying out of my earnings as I go.
  6. Multicollinearity

    Nurses who can't find work.

    We both graduated about the same time - when nursing jobs for new grads became scarce. I had to move for my first nursing job. I commute 3 hours each week for my current nursing job. I graduated with over $70,000 in student loans, so I know pressu...
  7. Multicollinearity

    Night shifters-when do you eat?

    I eat a light snack before going to work. I then eat a full meal at about 2200. I eat when I'm hungry. Lots of fruits and veggies and salads. I have lost weight while working night shift for over a year now, and I've gotten into better shape. I ...
  8. Multicollinearity

    Drug use and drug testing and Klonopin

    Good clarification. I was thinking in comparison to diazepam.
  9. Multicollinearity

    Drug use and drug testing and Klonopin

    Your facility should be sending out for gas chromatography confirmation testing. Urine tox screening is never considered definitive, only an initial screening. Benzo metabolites should show up on gas chromatogaphy testing if within half-life window...
  10. Multicollinearity

    Tucson Nursing Schools-HELP!/Experience with PMI?

    I would try to avoid a school like PMI if you can. It's expensive, and the reputation isn't that great. These are two bad things in a bad job market. I dropped out of college 3 times many, many years ago. I then returned to school and attended a...
  11. Multicollinearity

    What type of papers in NP school?

    And if you are in a doctoral program you had better pay attention and embrace your education because when you get to your oral comps you have to be able to discuss your learning in a scholarly, informed, and intelligent manner. You will be accountab...
  12. Multicollinearity

    Is Banner Health hiring ADN new grads?

    If you get an ADN you are probably going to have to go rural to get a job. Then you can earn your RN-BSN and get experience, and move back to an urban area if you like.
  13. Multicollinearity

    Anyone NOT work during NP program?

    My DNP adviser recommends quitting one's job when beginning the clinical portion during the last half of the program. He says it's almost impossible to work then. But most do work during the first half of the program (didactic).
  14. Multicollinearity

    ADN vs. BSN - patient mortality rates

    No, let's not. Let's keep discussing it until professional nurses realize and admit more education is better for the patients we care for. It may take 20 years - but eventually we will get there and get out of a vocational mindset.
  15. Multicollinearity

    ADN vs. BSN - patient mortality rates

    Individual nurses will vary regardless of educational level. Overall, more education is better. I started as an ADN-RN and finished the BSN later. I support BSN for entry to practice.