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  1. Kaplan vs Saunders- revisited...after NCLEX

    Could you shed more light on this? Personally, I think how the test were generated is very important. In order to having test questions similar to NCLEX exam, ones must study thousands of NCLEX questions thoroughly and intensively. IMO, Questions ...
  2. Using antibiotic prophylactically?

    Thank for the helpful reply, Siri.
  3. Using antibiotic prophylactically?

    A few rationales in Saunder's CD advice that option suggesting of using antibiotic prophylactically should be eliminated due to the fear of bacteria resistance. However, another rationale indicates that MD will give antibiotic prophylactically for p...
  4. I passed the NCLEX!!!!!

    Congratulation! especially on you first strike.:balloons:
  5. Boy What a Test!!!!!!!

    Way to go. Get ready for the celebration! :wink2: How long did you take to complete 85 questions? What was your strategy for questions in which you had no clue?
  6. Am I using Saunder correctly :roll

    Pasero, After answering a question in a study mode on the CD accompanied with Saunder comprehensive review for the nclex rn book, an icon with a lightbulb becomes visible. Clicking that icon will show the test taking strategy for the answer. 100 que...
  7. Wish me luck Tomorrow is my big Day

    Best luck to you
  8. Avoiding certain words in questions

    You mean reading the option slowly and reread it. Absolute words such as avoid and every are GENERALLY incorrect answer. GENERALLY means it is applicable for 95%. While answering question from Saunder CD, I have seen few correct answers which cont...
  9. I need to help my wife

    Suzanne, Do you know how Saunders generated practice questions? Did they thoroughly study real NCLEX-RN questions, identify keys components, and then simulate practice questions in a way that 's very close to real NCLEX-RN questions? How would yo...
  10. Am I using Saunder correctly :roll

    2005grad, Besides reading rationale, don't forget to read the test taking strategy which is an icon with a lightbulb. I found that test taking strategy is very helpful, especially for common sense question. Sometimes, thought I know nothing about t...
  11. Technique/mmemonic to remember lab values

    ate 4 bananas (k+ found in bananas) with 5 glasses of milk (ca+ found in milk), read 2 magazines (magnesium) about 2 fossils (phosphorus). spent $140 on napkins (na+)and a $100 on clear heals. (cl) did 15 bun exercises and drank 1 creatine shake (cr...
  12. Please, share what is your preferable way to memorize lab values. Since lab values are inconsistent between books, what lab values should I use? Is it neccessary to remember the unit of a lab value? For instance, for potasium, just remember 3.5 -...