Technique/mmemonic to remember lab values


Please, share what is your preferable way to memorize lab values.

Since lab values are inconsistent between books, what lab values should I use? Is it neccessary to remember the unit of a lab value? For instance, for potasium, just remember 3.5 - 5.1 instead of 3.5 - 5.1 mEq/ L.

i agree that everybook has different lab values. for me, i'm remebering just the avg.'s. i've used this since the begining of classes and even at work, and i always get it right. in my book normal labs are:

k+ 3.5 – 5

ca+ 4.5.- 5

mg 1.5-2.5

phos 1.8-2.6

na+ 135-145

cl 95-105

crt .5-1.2

bun 10-20

ptt 60-70 or 1 ½ times higher if on heparin

pt 11.0 - 12.5 or 2.o -3.5 times higher if on coumadin

inr 2.0-3.5 for coumadin

wbc 5-10

rbc 5

hct 40

hgb 15

ph 7.35-7.45 (40)

co2 35-35

. for me i’m going to remember:

on vacation i -

[color=#3366ff]ate 4 bananas with 5 glasses of milk, read 2 magazines about 2 fossils.

[color=#3366ff]spent $140 on napkins and a $100 on clear heals.

[color=#3366ff]did 15 bun exercises and drank 1 creatine shake .

[color=#3366ff]met, 3 idiots , 11 pets and 65 hunks.

ate 4 bananas (k+ found in bananas) with 5 glasses of milk (ca+ found in milk), read 2 magazines (magnesium) about 2 fossils (phosphorus).

spent $140 on napkins (na+)and a $100 on clear heals. (cl)

did 15 bun exercises and drank 1 creatine shake (creatinine) .

met, 3 idiots (i for inr),

11 pets ( p is for pt) and 65 hunks. (h is for heparin’s ptt).

i don't have anything for wbc, rbc, hct, or hgb. for some reason , i just seem to remember those, i hope this helps you. it does for me.

ate 4 bananas (k+ found in bananas) with 5 glasses of milk (ca+ found in milk), read 2 magazines (magnesium) about 2 fossils (phosphorus).

spent $140 on napkins (na+)and a $100 on clear heals. (cl)

did 15 bun exercises and drank 1 creatine shake (creatinine) .

met, 3 idiots (i for inr),

11 pets ( p is for pt) and 65 hunks. (h is for heparin’s ptt).

it does help. thanks daisy.

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