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About Malec001

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  1. HRSA Nurse Corp Loan Repayment Program 2023

    Hello! What credit service are you using to find this?
  2. HRSA Nurse Corp Loan Repayment Program 2023

    Hello fellow RN's/APRN's, Just finished my application for the HRSA Nurse Corp Loan Repayment Program 2023 program! Nervous but excited to see what comes of it, I see that the competition is extreme but it looks like over the past few years they...
  3. CHOC RN Residency February 2018

    Hello everyone, does anyone know when we should be hearing back? Interviewed with the PICU. I'm currently employed at choc tried emailing the nurse manager to ask and have not heard back.
  4. APU ELM Fall 2016

    Just wanted to post on here again! For any students attending APU main campus Summer 2016 and looking for housing please refer them to this group:
  5. APU ELM Fall 2015

    Hi I will be attending APU Summer 2016 at main campus! I have a Facebook page I've started. My name is Mallory Malecki. Please feel free to add me and get to know other students!! :)
  6. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    I will be at main campus and I haven't received anything yet. Spoke with the person managing the ELM co hort and they said this week. Also spoke with graduate financial services and they said I should have already received it :/
  7. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    I've been accepted to the Monrovia main campus and have not received anything specifically stating when a deposit is due. I have received the official letter though!
  8. Azusa ELM Summer 2016 Here's the link to the APU Summer 2016 for all cohorts!! :) Best of luck and congratulations again to all who have been accepted!
  9. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    Please find me on facebook everyone and I will add you!! You should be able to find me under Mallory Malecki
  10. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    @chemshark That's a great idea!!! Would you like me to start it? I'll go ahead and get that started right now. This will be a ELM 2016 cohort group! Ah yes! I have yet to get the details in the mail but I've heard the $1000 deposit is needed. Congrat...
  11. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    For those of you that have been accepted to Azusa main campus ELM Summer 2016! I'd like to start a facebook group! Plans for housing, financial aid, etc. Please find me on facebook! My name is Mallory Malecki! :)
  12. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    So happy to hear all of you got accepted!!! Are all those who have been accepted so far going for the SD campus?? Doing happy dances for you all! Congratulations!
  13. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    I had my advising appointment there as well! PCC is Pasadena city college? Oh my goodness I hope they can let us know so you have that reassurance when declining elsewhere! Getting into another nursing program sounds promising though! Azusa is my fir...
  14. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    That's so awesome to hear!! I'm sure they wouldn't be telling people such things unless there was a high probability! Oh my goodness, that's a while to wait! What campus did you have your advising appointment at? I wonder if that is true for all camp...
  15. Azusa ELM Summer 2016

    I'm glad to hear that! My interview was essentially the same thing. Mine was rather informal and the lady interviewing me talked about her experience in nursing and how she started quite a few nursing programs in southern California. She was really s...