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About JohnRossi

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  1. Air Force icu

    Hello, I was hoping to see if any one out there who come into the Air Force through the NTP program and did the bonus and loan repayment (6 commitment) and went on to do the ICU fellowship? Basically, I was wanting to find out how long you had to wa...
  2. Question about Air Force Nursing

    Thank you for the info!!! One more question. Do you know about the AGCNS option?
  3. Question about Air Force Nursing

    how hard is it to switch from med/surg to psych in the air force??? I'm going in through NTP in one week and have a goal/dream of being an Air Force Psych DNP. I know it's a long road, but curious about switching from med/Surg to psych to get the 2 y...