Would You Prefer a Male Nurse?

Nursing Students Male Students


hey guys. since most of us here are nursing students, i was just curious...would you guys prefer a male nurse over a female nurse in general? i know it doesn't matter as long as they did their job compentently...but if given the choice, what would you choose? i personally don't mind for most things, but i sure was glad to have a male nurse when i had to have a mole on my scrotum checked :rolleyes: so for me it just depends on the situation i suppose. thoughts?

Specializes in ER, TNCC.
I wasn't referring to your not preferring a male provider as sexist in nature. I was not even offended by your blatant rejection of all male providers. I was, however, offended because you implied most men are overly sexual pigs. Perhaps you did not mean to come off that way, but you did to me. Thanks for the stereotype. In the future, you should handle this topic gently. Instead of implying a male will always look at your breasts, say, "In my personal, subjective experience...."

no i didnt. but guess what all the men providers i have had have flirted with me. i dont have to worry about that with a woman. men sadly in some fields have a reputation for such wrong doing, is that to say that all male professionals are like that no. i havent been treated or assisted by every male professional. i wish i could go to a dentist for a procedure taht requires anesthia without worrying if im going to be molested while im under ( many have gone to jail for this). i dont want to hear a male gyn giving me my annual exam saying " oh ur tight" while asking me if i feel pressure (which i have experienced). and by the way i did say in my experience and this is what i prefer and why. so reread what i wrote bc ur just looking for something to respond to.

Specializes in ER, TNCC.

also my bf prefers male doctors for one of the same reasons why i prefer women : "men know men"

Specializes in Rehabilitation; LTC; Med-Surg.
also my bf prefers male doctors for one of the same reasons why i prefer women : "men know men"

"Men know men."

This isn't a forum about junior high career options. This is a forum about healthcare professionals. You strike me as someone terribly parinoid.

no i didnt. but guess what all the men providers i have had have flirted with me. i dont have to worry about that with a woman. men sadly in some fields have a reputation for such wrong doing, is that to say that all male professionals are like that no. i havent been treated or assisted by every male professional. i wish i could go to a dentist for a procedure taht requires anesthia without worrying if im going to be molested while im under ( many have gone to jail for this). i dont want to hear a male gyn giving me my annual exam saying " oh ur tight" while asking me if i feel pressure (which i have experienced). and by the way i did say in my experience and this is what i prefer and why. so reread what i wrote bc ur just looking for something to respond to.

I just wanted to add my .02 . In regards to the dentist who molest, alot of times they do the same thing to male patients too. It is not about the sex of the patient, it is about the control.

no i didnt. but guess what all the men providers i have had have flirted with me. i dont have to worry about that with a woman. men sadly in some fields have a reputation for such wrong doing, is that to say that all male professionals are like that no. i havent been treated or assisted by every male professional. i wish i could go to a dentist for a procedure taht requires anesthia without worrying if im going to be molested while im under ( many have gone to jail for this). i dont want to hear a male gyn giving me my annual exam saying " oh ur tight" while asking me if i feel pressure (which i have experienced). and by the way i did say in my experience and this is what i prefer and why. so reread what i wrote bc ur just looking for something to respond to.

I find this a little ignorant. You are essentially ignoring the fact that a homosexual population exists in the health care profession by saying that you don't have to worry about a provider of the same sex flirting with you.

Specializes in ER, TNCC.

i did not forget there are homosexuals, I LIVE IN NY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! to my ur ignorant bc u can not comprehend what youre reading how many times have i said from my experience. by the way this topic is what do u prefer. i stated what i preferred and why if you dont like it keep it moving. my preferences arent going to change bc of what you post here and neither while my past experiences that made me choose this preference.

I did not call you ignorant, I said that "this" ("this" being the statement, not you) seemed ignorant. There is a difference. The only reason I said that was because you said that you "don't have to worry about that with a woman", that = being flirted with, which really may not always be the case.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
i did not forget there are homosexuals, I LIVE IN NY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! to my ur ignorant bc u can not comprehend what youre reading how many times have i said from my experience. by the way this topic is what do u prefer. i stated what i preferred and why if you dont like it keep it moving. my preferences arent going to change bc of what you post here and neither while my past experiences that made me choose this preference.

Ok, I think I just spit pop on my screen, just how ironic the underlined part is.

On another note, you seem to be extremely hostile on this subject. Just the way your posts seem to be coming off. These posters are not the males that treated you badly or wrong. Yet it seems like you have all this pent up anger and are displacing it here.

Just an observation.

Specializes in n/a.
I guess it really doesn't matter too much to me. I had a female ultrasound tech do an ultrasound on my testicle, and she was very professional about it. So, it didn't really bother me at all.

and thats just my input, most of the time its kinda unisex, being the fact that is, your there to do the job your there for, not nessicarily how a man or a woman does it because your going to be professional, sex as far as that goes does not matter, the professionalism in fact, does, being that it doesnt matter to me who is checking my,.. nether regions... as long as they keep it professional, and not make a big deal out of a female touching a male, etc.

I like this forum haha

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