Fall 2014 students...what are you buying in preparation for school?

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I thought I'd start a thread for us students who were accepted for Fall to share things we are buying in preparation for school. Since I haven't bought anything yet I'll have to come back and post;)

I found out that I was accepted yesterday!!! So obviously yesterday was the HAPPIEST day of my life. I have been preparing for this for 2+ years, and nobody understands, except of course, my poor boyfriend. Anyway - I looked up all the books that my school is requiring for Fall 2014 there are about 9! Total (new books, bc that always seems to be my luck) is like $860! That amounts to more than my tuition. I have a feeling that I will be using most of these books during all three semesters (and most likely the rest of my nursing career) because Spring 2015 I only need one book. Aside from looking up what books I will need I have not started to do anything else. I am so happy for ANYONE who posts here, I am so proud of you!!! I know this takes an AWFUL amount of dedication!! We can do it!! BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF YOU!!! :up::nurse::up:

I'm enrolled and starting school in August 2014!!! Can't wait!

Specializes in ICU.

I will probably be out the week before trying to get everything I need. I will be purchasing a nice stethoscope because from what I understand you get what you pay for. I already have some scrubs that I wear for my labs but we will have specific ones that we will have to wear for clinicals. Besides that and my books and kit I get before I start nursing not too much else besides notebooks. I have a nice backpack already and may use one my thirty one bags for supplies. I will have to get some comfy white shoes for clinicals and will probably go with Danskos. I have talked to many nurses that love them.

Dont go overboard buying extra books that you won't have time to read, I do recommend those medsurg notes, and lab notes,,they are little spiral bound pocket books that you can take to clinicals. You can use the medsurg one to look up your primary dx's and it will telll you want to look out for and how to treat it... the lab notes one will tell you the normal values and why they may be off,, very handy when doing databases,, also, i'd get a voice recorder for each class so you can lay in bed or drive to/from school listening to your notes. a good nclex book such as saunders, and a nclex software program would be nice.

I'm going to definitely buy the nclex book to use from the beginning because I hear it helps a ton! As far as stethoscope, books, scrubs and shoes I won't know until we have our class meeting and they said that won't be until the summer! I might get the mosbys pharmacology book also.

Well I bought the NCLEX PN book so I officially made my first purchase for my PN program:) I just received my letter about registration and it isn't until 7/9 so I won't know anything regarding what else I'll need until then. I did see a cool clipboard that folds in half and has a nurse cheat sheet on both sides. I'll probably get that closer to clinicals.

WELL I am a little crazy and like to over prepare so I have this stuff in my cart at amazon! I should start school in September but I still have to pass my TEAS but I am in the military so the admissions guy has been very helpful and is starting to get me enrolled already which means the pressure is on! I study everyday lol... oh back to the supplies the links are below :)

Amazon.com : WhiteCoat Pocket Clipboard - Foldable Pocket Clip Board - Nursing Edition : White Coat Clipboard : Office Products

Medical Terminology:The Basics (Quickstudy: Academic): Inc. BarCharts: 9781572225381: Amazon.com: Books

Medical Abbreviations & Acronyms (Quick Study Academic): Inc. BarCharts: 9781572227002: Amazon.com: Books


I found all of this information in tips from other students on this forum of course!

I ordered a really cool backpack in wheels last week. I also have bandage scissors and a pen light. Waiting on scrubs and stuff until after orientation and general school supplies for August when they have sales. I start school Sept 29th

Thanks, kristina.judie. I just added them to MY Amazon cart too. Having Prime makes Amazon shopping too easy!

I may need some intervention. :roflmao:

Book bags:

Rolling book bag

Rolling backpack

Regular backpack

2 Nursing tote bags

Accessories (far too many):

Scrubs and needed supplies with several spares of each

Mini stapler

3-hole punch

Several flags/post-it

White boards and accessories

White Coat Pocket Clipboard for Nurses

Pens and pencils


Large apple tablet

Mini apple tablet

Books (Almost all nursing books by):

"...Made Incredibly Easy"

"...Reviews and Rationales"

"...Quick Study Academic Laminated Charts"

Saunders NCLEX RN Examination

All of my books for 1st semester

Last but not least, I am converting a spare bedroom into my study room:

All new office furniture

48" flat screen to view YouTube videos

2 digital picture frames

Hard wood flooring

Wall Paint

I'm sure I have much more to add....:roflmao:

I just started with the basics. Paper, pens, pencils, binder, dividers. I'm attending a trade school so they provide all the books and uniforms. That nclex prep book the OP mentioned sounds like a good idea. I may look into that.

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