I Feel I Need More...

Nurses LPN/LVN


Specializes in Long Term Care, Peds with special needs.

I am an LPN and have been since 1995. I have done previous work with peds with special needs, and currently working in a LTC facility. I am so miserable where I am. I feel like I do the same thing over and over. There is no variety and I am losing skills.

The problem is I am in DE and LPN's really are not as valuable as RN's. I have applied to Hospice, and hospitals. And I am constantly looking online for a new job. Is anyone else having this problem?

I want to go back to school for my RN but what am I suppose to do in the meantime. I am at a loss with what to do. I will listen to all suggestions and other stories.

Thanks in advance


Specializes in LTC.

I currently work in LTC, and HATE it. I have only been a LPN for 3 months now, but have already came to the conclusion this is NOT what I want to do. I am going back to school in May, (summer term), part-time to get prereq's done before I go into the RN program fall of '09. I plan to find a weekend option job in LTC, (it's all I know), because they tend to pay $6-7 more an hour for weekend op hours. That means I only have to tolerate 8-12 hour shifts a month but I will still earn pretty close to what I'm making now full time. I think I can stand 2-12's with 5 days off. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working with and caring for the elderly, it's all of the blasted RULES in LTC. (I know, I know, there are rules everywhere). At least the rules in the facility I work for. I could write a novel, but I'll spare you. But that's my shorter term plan. I can't wait to get started.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

What about home health, asssisted living or corrections? I know that much of it depends on what is available to LPNs within your area. Best of luck to you!

I'm in corrections nursing. Make great money, and am very very happy. Hospitals pay too low. LTC's work you to death. I work 8 hour shifts. I have great benefits, and don't do half the work I would on a med surg floor or LTC. But I do have lots of work that I enjoy. You might want to look into it. By the way, I'm in California.

I am in the same position. I have been an LPN since 1999 and always worked LTC because the hospital jobs were few and far between and when one did come up they wanted experience. I took the last two years off, due to my husband going active duty in the Coast Guard, and also having to move and having a baby. I am now working only per diem on the weekends, but, I am back to feeling "stuck" in LTC and being very unhappy. I am planning on getting my RN eventually but having a little one and being a military family where we move often is not easy. I am trying to do my pre-reqs online though. I'm glad to know I am not the only one in this situation!

Specializes in Long Term Care, Peds with special needs.

Thanks to everyone who posted, I too am glad to not be the only one who feels this way.

Yesterday, Monday, I interviewed with my local prison for a job. I was so amazed at the set up. The experience that I can get. For awhile I thought they only "passed meds", boy was I wrong. I am so excited. She said she will call me today and let me know, but I already did my drug test and all the legality paperwork. So I am feeling pretty good.



Specializes in LTC, cardiac, ortho rehab.

hey im interested in prison nursing. what is it like? what are our duties as a prison/correctional nurse? also, anyone know any prisons around palm springs california area?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
Thanks to everyone who posted, I too am glad to not be the only one who feels this way.

Yesterday, Monday, I interviewed with my local prison for a job. I was so amazed at the set up. The experience that I can get. For awhile I thought they only "passed meds", boy was I wrong. I am so excited. She said she will call me today and let me know, but I already did my drug test and all the legality paperwork. So I am feeling pretty good.



This sounds very promising! Let us know how you like it. Psych nursing is another one that comes to mind.

Why can't you work while you are getting your RN? Thats what all the LPNs in my bridge class are doing. I think DelTech even has part time program. Good luck to you.

Specializes in Long Term Care, Peds with special needs.

I got the job.....

The reason I was not going to school and working....I was scared that if I was in school and something good came up I would have to pass on 1. I wanted to find a stable job and then persue school further. I do have a few prereq's done so now I am going back. Where I am going to work is right down the road from the college too.

But I am so excited right now. I start Monday for orientation. Not sure as to what hours I will be doing yet, however I am happy with anything besides nights. Those days are behind me, but I am open to filling in as needed.

Thanks again to everyone

Specializes in Critical care, Pediatris & Geriatrics.
I'm in corrections nursing. Make great money, and am very very happy. Hospitals pay too low. LTC's work you to death. I work 8 hour shifts. I have great benefits, and don't do half the work I would on a med surg floor or LTC. But I do have lots of work that I enjoy. You might want to look into it. By the way, I'm in California.

hey ss07, I'm in Calif too! How much do CDC start their LVNS out at?



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