Overseas trained RN moving to Dallas- Fort Worth area...

World International


Hi all, I am an overseas trained nurse with over 8 years experience... I have just got my Texas RN licence and I am starting to look for jobs in DFW area.... I want some opnions on how to get a job/ interview when I am currently overseas. Do you think is going to be hard to find a sponsor as I will need a visa? Is the market still good for nurses in the area? All opnions are valued... Thanks

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

It's going to be very difficult to find a US employer willing to go through the time and expense of visa sponsorship as well as proving there is no US citizen or permanent resident candidate qualified for the job. Are you seeking a specialty H1B or EB3? What experience do you have? Specialized? Your country of birth? Some countries are significantly affected by retrogression and the wait is a decade or more for an EB visa.

Most employers will not offer interviews or even consider you once you click that you require employer sponsorship for a visa combined that you cannot interview in person as you are not physically present

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

What country are you from? Finding a employer in the current market will be difficult but all you can do is apply or ask if willing to sponsor just be aware place of birth is the deciding factor in how long it will take to get a immigrant visa

I am from Brazil originally and I have experience in med/ surg, mental health/ rehab and OR/ endoscopy... specialized in anesthetics and PACU.... I was looking in maybe getting EB3 if I can.... I don't think Brazil is one of those countries. .. I found some agencies that would sponsor but I am not to sure I wanna do travel nurse for 2 to 3 years or depend on getting the shifts to pay my bills or if I would be able to go through a NP program and do placements while on a visa....

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

EB3 is generally what nurses come under. If you do NP before coming to the US and find a job in that area then the process may be quicker

It's going to be very difficult to find a US employer willing to go through the time and expense of visa sponsorship as well as proving there is no US citizen or permanent resident candidate qualified for the job.

Did you see that some US citizens are suing Disney for hiring overseas worker. It appears as if they "Claim" they can't find US workers and in fact they are making the US worker train their replacements. I hope the US plantiff win a large law suits.

Good thing about nursing profession is retrogression is there as a buffer from lying companies.

Hello, I've decided to apply to the Texas BON as they don't require a SSN, and I've been speaking to an agent who thinks there's a good chance of a job there.. How was your experience with Texas licensure if I can ask? Thanks x

@HelenaUK... hi there my experience with the Texas Bon was good... the whole fingerprints thing is a nightmare and it takes a long time but what can we do... hope I can get a job after going through the whole process.... can we give me the contact of your agent and maybe he can give me some clues on getting a job... tks

Hey, oh I'm glad you had a good experience with Texas BON, how long did it take to get your license? Was your Brazilian education adequate for them? I ask because I am adult trained without any real paeds and obstetrics... Not sure what your training is like?

Sure email me on [email protected] and I will share the contact (feels a bit rude posting someone else's email address on a public site) but he is actually an agent in London for UK nurses so I'm not sure he is the right person for you anyway..

Out of interest why was the fingerprinting particularly a nightmare? And you definitely 100% didn't need a SSN for Texas?

Thanks and nice talking to you x

@HelenaUK the process with the bon itself took 3 months but when it got to waiting for the fringerprints it took 2 months just to process my fingerprints and send results to the bon.... very anoying as they said it usually takes 2 weeks.... my education was enough as in Brazil we do a generalized program very close to the us ones so was accepted with no issues.... and I did some extracurricular hours as well.... thanks I will send you an email later on... and I did not need a SSN for texas... I believe I will get one when I start my application for a work visa....

Thanks for the info ....

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