New depression/anxiety

Nurses Stress 101


Hi everyone, I have been a nurse for 2 years and I am 25 years old. Ever since working at my job I think I am suffering depression and anxiety. I am very anxious at work due to the overworking of staff giving us up to 9 patients so every shift I never know what I am going to walk into. I also work night shifts 7p to 8a. I just feel blank sometimes and not satisfied with myself. I just am not happy anymore and I hate the way I feel. I am always tired and When im with friends im never really fully there. I want to go talk to someone but not sure who and Im scared to get started on meds. I really am not happy in life and feel ive hit a rough patch. Any advice would be greatly appreciated in this difficult time for me. Thanks for listening.

Get off night shift. I know that's easier said then done but I saw what night shift did to my husband after 3 years. He is a happy, laid back guy but the going back and forth between shifts screwed up his thyroid and hormones. He got depressed, irritable, totally opposite of what he usually is. He gained weight and was exhausted. He has been off nights a year and is just now back to normal with healthy eating, anti-depressant, and exercise. We are in our 20's too so age doesn't play a part, if you aren't getting quality sleep, your not healthy overall.

Your also way over burdened with patients. What kind unit are you on? After 2 years of experience, depending on the market, you should be able to snatch a day shift hospital job. It's not worth it living like that! Do something for you on your next day off. Sleep in, go get a pedicure, and start applying to places. Get in with your PCP, tell them everything that's going on, and see if you need any medications, you may not but it doesn't hurt to go talk it out with them.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
I just am not happy anymore and I hate the way I feel. I am always tired and When im with friends im never really fully there. I want to go talk to someone but not sure who and Im scared to get started on meds. I really am not happy in life and feel ive hit a rough patch. Any advice would be greatly appreciated in this difficult time for me. Thanks for listening.

Sally gave some great advice, as being off one's circadian cycle can really screw up one's being, holistically speaking. However, I do not sense that the circadian cycle screw up is the whole enchilada, freckles.

I sense you are working toward dealing with your feelings in any given situation, as you mentioned possible remedies and solutions, e.g. talk to someone, meds.

As one who has suffered from anxiety and depression off and on for years, I can relate what I do in order to deal with my maladies. If you can apply these to your own life and experience some comfort- good. Let it be known that I am not giving you advice, freckles. I am only relaying to you techniques that have worked for me. You need to make the best choices in your problem-solving process that you believe will work for you.

You've made a really good start in identifying the problem and seeking information on how to deal with that problem. For this start, you have my admiration and respect.

Dealing with the problem of depression and anxiety, as previously mentioned, affects us holistically; just about every part of our being. In order to deal with this problem we must also attack it holistically with just about every part of our being. physically, emotionally and mentally.

Live a healthy lifestyle.Try to exercise every day, if only for a few minutes. Eat right and get adequate rest. Drink alcohol in great moderation. You know what's good and not good for your body.

In the same way that that we are what we eat, we are also what we put into our bodies mentally and spiritually. In order to affect a change, we must practice working toward our goal every day. And during rough times, we must practise minute by minute working toward that goal. Adopt a program of working toward that goal of dealing with your anxieties and depression and work that program continuously.

Our beliefs can buoy us through the darkest of nights and roughest of seas. Those who support our endeavors, our friends and loved ones, can be equally helpful.

I am currently in the process of dealing with a bout of depression and anxiety. In doing some self-examination, I have found that I ve been complacent and backsliding in working my own personal program. I feel as though I'm on the mend, as I've undertaking resuming the practises that have successfully helped me deal with my problems in the past.

I recently suffered an injury which impeded my exercise program. I am almost back to my pre injury state and have almost entirely resumed my program. I have returned to reading my spiritual literature, meditating, and doing therapeutic art on a routine regular basis.

These are merely the basics of the ways that I've found to deal with my depression and anxiety, freckles. It is my wish that, you too, find your way.

The very best to you, freckles.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Moved to Health/Stress Management

I was offered a day shift position but nights kind of works for me and I feel ive gotten used to it. I have become a night owl but just become very stressed and I feel like a completely different person compared to when I first started.

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