GPC Fall 2014 hopefuls

U.S.A. Georgia


Hi everyone! Just putting feelers out to see who is planning to apply to GPC for next Fall. I am taking my last pre-req, A&P II, this semester at GPC (well, almost last, still have to do that one credit Research class), and pondering when to take the TEAS. Before this semester I was out of school for a couple of years, and had kind of deferred my desire to attend nursing school. But it kept calling me, and I realized I HAVE to go for this now before my Science pre-reqs expire. GPC is actually the only school I've been able to find so far that lists them as good for six years as opposed to the usual five.

I'll be honest, I think I have a chance, but I also think it's a long shot. A lot is riding on how well I do on my TEAS, and getting an A in this class. In the beginning I was feeling very low about my chances, but recently my mindset has shifted, and I am feeling that hunger and drive to be accepted to nursing school. I definitely don't lack the brains, but I'm in recovery, so I have a spotty academic record. If I make an A in this class I will have a 3.0 in my Science pre-reqs and a 3.6 GPA for all the pre-reqs combined.

I also have concerns about my background check, as there are a few things on there, the most serious of which is very old - 16 years. So . . . one part of me knows that I have to cultivate an attitude of "whatever it takes" to get in. Retaking classes, applying for LPN as well, whatever I have to do.

It's pretty daunting to feel so simultaneously hopeful and excited about having a chance, and dwelling on the negative factors and seriously big mistakes that may kill my chances.

I'm really having to take it one step at a time. And every time I see someone in the cafeteria wearing the student nurses uniform I just think about how much I want to be wearing that uniform myself. It's something I really need for my life, my self-esteem, my family, to pursure this successfully. So that's me.

Where are you all in your journey? What are your concerns, struggles, hopes, and mindset? I look very forward to hearing from others. Even though we're competing against each other, we're still in it together and I think support is so valuable.

Tell me your story!

I'm pretty sure there is a time limit between retakes. We just need to get that study time in to do well the first time - which we can if we take it in January! Are you using a study guide?[/quote']

I see a date has been added. December 21st. Still hoping for a later date for more studying time.

I see a date has been added. December 21st. Still hoping for a later date for more studying time.

December 21st??? How can I register for the test? Can I do it online?

December 21st??? How can I register for the test? Can I do it online?

Yup. Just go to the teas website.

All teas dates added. I'm taking it January 4th

Specializes in NICU.

Good luck everybody! I'm in my first semester of the program at gpc and I'm loving it! I hope you all make it in, the wait is the worst part.

Good luck everybody! I'm in my first semester of the program at gpc and I'm loving it! I hope you all make it in the wait is the worst part.[/quote']

Thanks SO much!!! I'm so glad u chimed in to say you're enjoying the program. That's so wonderful to hear :) I have a friend that graduated from GPC 3 years ago and has nothing but great things to say so I'm staying positive and working hard to hopefully make it in myself.

Specializes in NICU.

I hear great things about gpc too. There are many nurses where I do my clinicals that graduated from gpc so its nice to know people are finding jobs! I was worried about that nice its an associate degree instead of a bsn. GPC has a great reputation.

I hear great things about gpc too. There are many nurses where I do my clinicals that graduated from gpc so its nice to know people are finding jobs! I was worried about that nice its an associate degree instead of a bsn. GPC has a great reputation.

Don't worry about that. You will find a job for sure. My friend had three offers! Also another friend's wife is a hiring manager at Gwinnett Medical OR and said that GPC grads are among the few they hire immediately without experience bc they are VERY clinically sound and well prepared.

I will also be applying to the nursing program for Fall 2014. I have a very low GPA from UGA, but a 4.0 GPA from GPC and a 4.0 Biology GPA. My general education GPA is a 3.19. I am taking the TEAS exam Dec. 18th and am very overwhelmed.

I am also applying to Chattahoochee Tech and GA Highlands.

Does anyone know how the 3 of those schools rank?

I will also be applying to the nursing program for Fall 2014. I have a very low GPA from UGA but a 4.0 GPA from GPC and a 4.0 Biology GPA. My general education GPA is a 3.19. I am taking the TEAS exam Dec. 18th and am very overwhelmed. I am also applying to Chattahoochee Tech and GA Highlands. Does anyone know how the 3 of those schools rank?[/quote']

Hello there!

I can relate to feeling overwhelmed. Don't worry you will have three chances with applying to three schools. I'm sure you will gain acceptance to one of them :) I look at the nclex pass rates to see how schools rank. I just know GPC has a good rating, not sure about the others. I'm taking the teas January 4th. Good luck! We are almost there.

Hello Everyone, You are about to read my personal struggle on this road to nursing. I attended GPC and graduated in 2011. I took the teas v at Clayton and got 69.7, not too good. However, it wasn't my best. I retook it at Metrop. State College last Saturday. I was ready and felt really confident, but I was sick with what sounded like "whooping cough". Yeah, I felt terrible and the proctor wouldn't allow me to get a sip of H2o. The test hadn't even started!! At any rate, I didn't do well on the beginning part. The rest went up 10 ponts!! The worse part is that I didn't know that GPC changed admissions qualifications. They used to look at the

Science and now they don't. Therefore, my first test was actually GOOD TO GO. What a mess! Now, the counselor told me that I would not have made it in last Fall's cohort and I am thinking it will be the same this Fall. Just wanting to know what you guys think. Do you know of any experience like mine.

I didn't have two failed attempts, only one. It sucks that they consider one part (57) on first teas v I got 78.6. All of my prerequisites are 1611 A lab was B, 1612 C (had newborn and it was summer) retook 1612 lecture only and got A lab was B. Stat A, Rsch A, Psych A, Comm A, Engl A, Phed A, Micro B lab was B, History A....I think they can look at my grades and tell that I can read. Art was A I also have upper level Principles of Bio (l) B lab was A. Chems were a little different. I passed them thought with C and A. i mean this really sucks. I am venting ...I know. Now I may have to wait two years, or go to Chamberlain which is way to far for my pocket right now.

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