Emory Residency Program--your experience?

U.S.A. Georgia


I am very interested in pursuing a career with Emory, as I've had some of my clinical experiences there and have really liked it so far. My question is: what is the new graduate residency program like? Were you able to chose what floor and for what shift you wanted to apply for when you applied for the program?

Any pros and cons of the residency program (hours worked vs pay, stuff like that) would be greatly appreciated. I graduate soon and am trying to network as best I can with hospitals in the Atlanta area.

Thanks in advance for your help! :)

allyx226, I received the same email invitation for the OR Residency Program, but I am not sure if I should attend this or not. I am from out of state.....and if this is not an interview, just giving applicants some info about the program, would this be worth it...umm? Anyone else receiving this too?

I got it too, and I'm also out of state. I don't think I'm going to go, but at the same time I'm wondering if showing up can help my chances? Maybe they consider the people showing up to be more serious.

Had you all applied to the OR program specifically?

Same here..however, I am actually going to be in Atlanta on the 18th for an interview at a different hospital. But I definitely wont be able to fly back again for an actually interview at Emory.

The Emory new grad rep is starting to call back applicants. Wishing you guys and gals all the best...

has anyone else heard from the recruiters?

Anyone else heard back from Emory for the September residency? I didn't realize how long they would take. I applied in April for the September cohort. It still says under consideration on my application.

Hey everyone, Darell ( the recruiter ) called and said he will be forwarding my info to Someone at emory midtown, I'm interested in working on the med surge floors. Anyone heard back from a recruiter at emory in midtown?

New grads are divided into two groups, and are supposed to start either on Aug. 19 or Aug. 26, depending on which group you are in.

Orientations are starting next week, Wed-Fri.

I am an internal candidate but I think everyone pretty much heard back and knows where they are going now..(well, most...at least for the Univeristy hospital)

thanks foe letting us know. Looks like I didn't get in then. haha. oh well

I really hope they're not done yet :( but anyone else heard anything from the midtown campus?

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