You know you're a nursing student when...

Nursing Students General Students


I know we get lots of these threads but I caught myself today doing something very typical of a nursing student. I start in about 3 weeks and I had to order a Skills CD from the bookstore that came in the mail yesterday. There are procedures and videos for several skills like NG tubes, catheters, IVs, suctioning, enemas, etc. I decided to pop in the CD and see what was there.

I started watching a few of the videos and then decided I was hungry. So I went and got a Mountain Dew and some potato chips and sat there and ate and drank WHILE watching videos of people inserting catheters and NG tubes and the like. My appetite was obviously not affected!

Specializes in RN, Cardiac Step Down/Tele Unit.

These are great...keep em coming!!!

You know you're a nursing student when you critique the CPR technique of the characters on TV or in the movies! I just saw 'White Coats' and they gave actual mouth to mouth - as if that happens in the hospital!!! (Not the best movie I've seen - I don't recommend it unless you like silly gross out movies)

When you remind your fellow nursing students before a flight to drink lots of water and move around as much as possible - we don't want any DVTs!

I've done that too ......funny :lol2:

When your friends or family can't help you with your homework anymore.

(cause they haven't a clue what they're reading)

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

When you see nursing signs everywhere you look and don't understand why no one comprehends you saying "ok, that's it, I'm NPO post 6PM".

When you are dragging your 30 lb. bookbag anywhere and everywhere you go "just in case" you have a minute to study.

Also, when you are in a doctor's office with said bookbag and the nurses who work there can look at you and tell that you are a nursing student.

Writing things on the "family bulletin board" in fractured nursing shorthand, eg "Jimmy: impaired ability to visit skateboard park s/p acute bratosis. Recommended tx: spank t.i.d. till clear."

I love that one!!!! LOL!!!!

Specializes in hospice. are the only one in your family that finds it amusing that on clinical days, you use Secret Clinical Strength antiperspirant/deodorant. find yourself putting meaning to the letters in other people's license plates (e.g. DVT, PIH, MAG, etc.). get excited when you FINALLY know what the heck they are talking about on all of the medical shows you love, and yet... find yourself critiquing the shows, looking for the mistakes (and being somewhat disappointed, since you can no longer just sit there and enjoy the show for what it's worth). are beyond excited about starting your first IV or cath, seeing +4 edema, etc., and no one else (beyond your friends in NS) cares or they are grossed out.

Specializes in E.R..
when you're working the hardest you ever have-and you're FLAT BROKE!

Amen to that!!:D

Specializes in E.R..

When you palpate your husband's hands and feet veins.

Can gross out a whole bible study in a matter of minutes, by just describing what you did in clinical's that day.

You can't watch the shows you used to love, due to the inaccuracy of what the show portrays.

Your daughter starts c/o of mysterious coughs, because she knows mommy takes care of sick people. Sad isn't it:p.

Specializes in ICU.
when your 2 yo son knows where his lungs, heart, brain are and tells people who smoke cig. hurt your lungs! Holding him and reading A&P material through nursing school, you would thing he would have fell asleep fast. Nope he was interested, maybe I got a little Dr. in the making.

Or a little nurse.

Specializes in Taking one day at a time....

... when you're stressed as all heck studying for hours, and then you're like "Why am I putting myself through this?!"

And then you go to your clinical, help Mrs. Smith with her AM care, toileting, wiping...and again you ask "Why am I putting myself through this!?"

But then at the end of the day, she smiles and touches your arm and says "Thank you" in a way that you know is from her heart, and that makes all the "poopy" times seem not as bad, and well worth it. Thats how you know you're a nursing student!:redbeathe

You wrap Christmas presents using IV tape!!

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