single mom about to start BSN

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Today, I attended my orientation for nursing school. I was nervous when I arrived, but even more nervous when I left. I'm a single mom (completely single with no father in the picture AT ALL). I'm freaking out because I don't know what kind of mother I'll be able to be during my two years in school. I have a great family that is my amazing support system. However, I want to be the best mother I can be AND be a great student. Is it possible? Am I really going to miss out on a lot of his life? Will I have any time to be his mommy during these next two years? Is he going to lose interest in me since I'll be so busy? I need some great advice from not only single mothers that are successful, but also mothers with significant others.

They try to scare you at orientation for some reason. I finished my first semester in May and I was still able to be a parent (and also cook, clean, see other family/friends, grocery shop, exercise, etc). I am married with three kids.

Do I see my kids less now then when I was a stay at home mom? Yes. But I feel like I appreciate that time more.

You have to be organized and efficient with your studying. I do not study much at night. I study during breaks/days off (we usually have one full weekday off and then at least one afternoon) and occasionally a Sunday before an exam. Make sure to put your phone away and stay focused. If you decide to study in groups make sure they are groups that stay on topic.

Good luck!

GOD bless you! I thank you for such a positive response. I cried my eyes out last night thinking I'm in way over my head. I did my pre reqs with no problem at all, but they make that seem like elementary school compared to nursing school. I know it's going to be hard, but is it really that bad? I will certainly work on time management and will accept any tips!

Thanks a bunch!

Specializes in Critical Care.

How old is your child? I'm a single mom to a grade schooler with a similar parenting situation as you have - my kid's dad lives across the country and does jack for her and my boyfriend and I are long distance until he gets PCS'd to a base closer to my house. I'm about to start a 2 year RN program. I've always heard that it's hard but doable, I'll come back and update you once classes actually start :p

My son is 2 years old so I don't know if it'll make this harder or easier... please keep me updated!

GOD bless you! I thank you for such a positive response. I cried my eyes out last night thinking I'm in way over my head. I did my pre reqs with no problem at all, but they make that seem like elementary school compared to nursing school. I know it's going to be hard, but is it really that bad? I will certainly work on time management and will accept any tips!

Thanks a bunch!

I cannot speak for everyone but I actually am doing better in nursing school than I did in prereqs. It's a different way of thinking, not "black and white" all of the time.

This is a mind over matter situation. Do NOT let your anxiety rule you! I struggle with anxiety myself but you need to take it one day at a time. When your child is not with you, study your butt off. That way when you are together you can be present.

You've got this girl!

My son is 2 years old so I don't know if it'll make this harder or easier... please keep me updated!

My youngest is 2, she goes to daycare full time when I'm in school. She goes even on my one day off so that I can study. That way I am fully present when I pick her up and able to spend quality time. She had a very easy transition to daycare, I think it was harder than me then it was on her!

Specializes in Med Surg/Ortho.

You're not alone. I am a mother to two kids. Not a single mom, but my husband is a truck driver and gone for weeks or months at a time, then only home for a few days. So though he is financially supporting us (which is a huge weight off my shoulders) he physically isn't here to do anything with the kids. And I worry. The last two years have been a struggle doing prereqs and busy. Classes are during the day when they are at school, and I try to study when they are doing homework and after they go to bed. They are older so they can take care of themselves more, and help me out around the house. But I still feel guilty for how much time it takes away from them, when their father is rarely around. But I have to believe it will all be worth it in the end.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

I am single guy w/ no kids no I cannot speak for the kids, but when I was getting my BSN there were a few females with children in the program. They all graduated so it can be done. Nursing school is no joke, but you are doing it for the betterment of you and your child. That is to be commended and someday your child may look back and say "wow my mom worked very hard for us to have a good life".

I think even at a young age you are teaching the value of hard work. Good luck!

Wow thank you so much for the kind words!

I am a single mom with no help besides my mom and I just graduated in May and got offered a job yesterday. Yes you will miss out on things, but nursing school isn't going to take over your whole life. I think the financial sacrifices were harder on me than studying/class/clinicals, etc. You can do it. :up:

Thank you thank you thank YOU! I needed to hear it!

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