Prayer needed for my friend!

Nursing Students General Students


I have a friend that started nursing school with me on August 27th. Last week they found out she had a tumor in her chest growing in her left lung and around the greater vessels of her heart. It has grown from the size of a fist to a melon in 7 days! They got pathology back and it is AML leukemia. They took bone marrow too. She has 4 kids, her youngest is only 6. I am scared for her, she wants to be a nurse so badly and she has fought so hard to get this far in school, now we have to worry if she can come back and if she will still be around in a year. I have known her for 23 years and we were so excited to fulfill our lifelong dream together....I miss her so much. I can't even go see her because she is in ICU and I'm not family. Besides they are keeping her asleep after surgery to do a biopsy and place a chemo shunt, because of the pain. Please pray very hard for her, I want as many people in the world lifting her up as possible. Thanks!

Update on my friend Kelli. She moved to the Oncology floor last Wednesday morning and finished her first course of chemo last Friday. She felt fine through the chemo, but had nausea and severe fatigue all this week. She had an MRI yesterday morning and the tumor has shrunk by 1/2!!!!!! I know it is all the prayers from you all and others! They still don't know how the chemo is effecting the Leukemia, they took marrow yesterday but couldn't get results from it so they will repeat it tomorrow and we should know results soon (wouldn't it be great if it was gone?!);) so keep praying. She has decided to withdraw for the semester, she will be ready to come back sooner if she doesn't have to stress about it. I have decided that her graduating after me won't be all bad, this way I can sit in the audience for her and cheer my head off!:balloons::lol2:

She is blessed to have a friend like you. Good friends are hard to come by. I will be praying for you and your friend.

my heart and prayers go out to Kelli. Keep giving her that unwavering strength, hope and love that you are showing her, and keep being strong for yourself.

My prayers are with Kelli, her family, and with you. You are an amazing friend! It is so clear how much she means to you and how much you love her. Many never know that kind of friendship - it is a beautiful gift. If you don't mind, I will pass along the prayer request.


Specializes in ICU, Mother/Baby.

I am praying for Kelli and a speedy recovery! God is great and the power of pray is amazing. I was very touched by your friendship. Its very special from what i have read. you are an amazing friend and Kelli is one lucky lady! Please keep us posted on her recovery. Good luck on your test ..I now how hard it must be to study.

I will certainly remember your friend in my prayers. Thank you for including us in this. We may never know, in this life, why your friend is going through this. We just need to remember that God does have a plan in this. I will also pray for you and for your friend's family.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele/Acute Rehab.

Praying for Kelli.

Hi Beth. I can sense your pain and sadness in your post and I want to say that I am sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes people say that they understand, and they don't, but I wanted to say that I do understand what you are going through. My little boy, who is 4, was diagnosed with ALL leukemia on August 18th of this year...2 days before the first day of my final/4th semester of nursing school. It was a shock that I cannot explain and the pain is so great it's incapable of being described. I also have 4 children and I cannot imagine being sick and leaving my kids behind. Have you heard any new news about her prognosis? I'm sorry, but I didn't read the rest of the posts yet. Please keep me posted.

The scary thing about leukemia is that no one knows what causes it, I will never know why my son has to deal with this and you may never know why it is plaguing your dear friend. The best advice I can give you is to pray, pray, support, pray, pray, pray to God! I will say a prayer for her, many, as many have been said for us. Keep the faith and if you need to talk you're free to pm me anytime.

edit: I was so glad to read that the tumor has shrunk by 1/2! That is a sign of things working and that is awesome! My son's cancer made up 90% of his marrow and this was in late August, it is now early October and he is completely cancer free. Miracles happen. It is a long road to a cure, but it's possible. Never give up hope and plow through your studies just as Kelli would want you to.

I'm totally not a praying person, but here's what I threw out in the universe hoping that someone will hear it.

God or whoever/whatever you are, please let her friend recover from this illness. Let her go on to lead a long, happy, healthy life. Do it for her, for her children, and for the people that love her.

I have a major Foundations test on Wed. and I am having big problems concentrating!!!:uhoh3:

Well, I got an 83% on my Foundations test so I am totally happy with that,however, I did freak out over my math test today. The teacher gave us a practice test last Monday and said the real test would look the same, just different numbers to plug in. Well, the practice test had 25 questions on it and the real test had 20 but some had 2 answers so there were still 25. As I left the school I suddenly realized that the last question I did said "20". I panicked thinking I had just skipped 5 questions!!! More than 4 is failing!! I thought I looked at the back of the test and it was blank, but in panic I wondered," Did I look? Was it blank?" I ran back into my teachers office and thank goodness she was still there! When I explained (trying not to cry) she told me I was fine if I got to 20, I did all the problems. I cried all the way home! Now I'm sitting here trying to keep busy because the grades should be posted tonight and they aren't yet!!!! I'm still a little freaked!!:uhoh21:

My prayers and with you as well as your friend and her family.

Well I have a couple of pieces of great news! First I passed my "critical that I pass to stay in Pharm and not be a year behind everyone else math test!":thankya: Whoo Hoo!!! Second, My Kelli does NOT have two cancers after all!:balloons: The tumor in her chest is a rare manifestation from her AML. Leukemia is not supposed to produce tumors, but one in a million it does. The positive side is it probably helped them catch the cancer earlier! Fatigue and loss of appetite could be chalked up to being a NS, but not pain and SOB, which is how they found the tumor! She told me today that she will have a bone marrow biopsy this weekend. If it is clear they will do another 7 day round of chemo and then monitor her. She may even get to go home! If it is not clear they will begin the process for a marrow transplant and start radiation w/ the chemo. This will keep her in the hospital until probably February 1st depending on finding donor marrow, plus the 30 days in germ free isolation to let the new marrow graft and start rebuilding her immune system. She is handling things pretty well, they shaved her head because clumps kept falling out in her face and it was annoying her, however,she is scared of the radiation.:o Pray for peace for her and that her biopsy will be clear so she won't need the radiation. Also pray that her chemo port will unclog so they can draw from it again she is getting stuck all over her poor arms!

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