postclinical reflective questions ..?

Nursing Students General Students


After clinical we're required to complete some questions. The one that gets me every time is

"what area can you improve on in clinical?" It should be a few sentences long, yet I don't want to throw myself under the bus by putting down my weakness area (which I really don't know what is).

Think about something you weren't comfortable with or feel needs more studying on.... Say you weren't totally comfortable with a certain diagnosis say you'd like to learn a little more about xyz because you didn't feel very confident blah blah or a medication or a task

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Think of it as a goal setting exercise- what will you do better next clinical?

I'm in 2nd semester BTW (med surg)

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

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Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

Stop looking at it as of you are reporting a weakness. No way you can possibly know everything about nursing as I am still learning even 34 years into my career! Instead think of something new you saw experienced and state you need to learn more about xy and Since nursing encompasses so many things besides skills don't forget to include those things such as how to deal with manipulative patients and families and how to get along with other disciplines.Then for actual clinical skills you can day things such as, I would like to review the dosages and side effects of the to more assess for IV infiltrates....learn the possible reactions to a blood transfusion....learn how to perform a 5 to 10 min head to toe assessment. .....learn more about the types of central lines and how to assess for complications....learn how to organize my day better and group tasks to assess a patient for pain and then perform the app opiate nsg interventions. ...learn how to reapply a Foley bag....learn more about the types of insulin and when they peak....Do you get it? Do not look at as a weakness but an opportunity to be excited to learn something new or to add to what you already know.You must switch your thinking.There are so many things that will will see and learn and I guarantee you can pick almost anything from your day and make that into something to explore and improve on.For your first one,"I can improve on viewing this exercise as an opportunity to accept that there is always more to learn and opportunities to grow and not as reporting a weakness.

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

Sorry about the auto corrects. ..I can't fix them

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