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Please, please help me. I am having a hard time remembering things. During A&P I, I was having trouble absorbing things - memorizing stuff. Just tossed it up as pre-occupied by work & home. Well, now I am not working & have a test on my first day of nursing school - Monday on prefixes & suffixes. Although I am trying to memorize them & am writing them 10 times each, IT"S NOT STICKING.

Any suggestions? Maybe it's age (33)? Hope not.:confused:


Originally posted by clm18

The game? It requires more than one person, you place the flash cards with the vitamin or mineral facing the top, one person selects a card for another player, and if you can get at least three sources, functions and the correct stage of the life in which they're most required right, you get to keep the card. The person with the most cards at the end wins.

Weird, I know, and I wont take credit for the idea either as it was my teacher who thought of this for the class.

He He He....that is how you play Battle of the Sexes..(the travle edition..not the board game)

I do flash cards myself. I also think the following link could be helpful:

I found it after I had AP1 and 2. However, a very helpful interactive CD came with my I used that.

Hey, you have recieved some EXCELLENT advice from all those above of me. I can only add my 2 cents:

1. Stress can enhance OR ruin your ability to learn and remember

2. Prefixis and the other stuff is all about learning a new language. To understand a new language, dissect it. Think of WHY the symbol for "p" with a line over the p means POST or AFTER. Then learn it's opposite "a" with the line over the a means "ante" or before.

Hang in there!

Jen2 had the right idea. My father (a professor) wrote a whole program on study skills and one of the things he suggested was imagery.

The sillier the reference - the easier it is to remember something.

For example, using Jen's reference of retro meaning behind

Try thinking of an enourmous women's behind dressed in 70's hip huggers!

When my husband helps me study he turns most things into rather x-rated images but I gotta tell ya - it works on test day!!!

Just thought I'd post my father's web site if anyone is interested in the study skills programs. He wrote them for all different ages including one for learning disabled students.

Not trying to advertise but his book has really helped me alot:

We had a book w/video at the beginning of our program. It was based on a series by Dean Vaughn... it gives you pneumonics for EVERYTHING.. the book is called Basic Human ANatomy and there's another by the same guy called Medical Terminology. Some of it was silly and didn't make sense - but at least it helped us remember the prefixes, suffixes, body parts, etc. Not only that... after a while of using them everyday, even when ya don't need to- it'll just stick!

Hi Jen,

I don't know if you study from your book or from your notes. But I would suggest you take really good notes, and studying from them instead of the book. Studying from the book can be overwhelming because of the amount of information it contains. By studying mostly from your notes you compress the info and make it easier to retain; also, most teachers make tests according to the info they covered in lectures. Then you can make notecards on areas that you need extra work in. You can make rhymns for different areas that are more complicated, like PMAT, for the different stages of mitosis for example. I studied mostly from my notes, used cards to fill in the gaps and did fine by this method. You can check this yourself by taking one of your quizzes and comparing it to the lectures notes you took in class to see if your teacher tests this way or not. Good luck, B.T.H

How about attaching what you are tyring to learn with something you already know. Like say for instance I was trying to remember a list of fruit







well then it's as simple as attaching them to items you don't even have to think about to rember

like the apples are on the door, every time you see a door you rember apples.

The oranges are on the phone

The peaches are on the pen

the pears are on the paper

The grapes are on the TV

The watermellon are on the computer and so on.

every time you see these items you relate an item you need to remeber to it. Make up little cards and tape them to the item you want it attached to. You can add as many items to each object as you want. Just remeber to add a slip of paper with the name of the item on it to the object. You will remember come test day. Sometiems drawing a picture will also help you to remember. Good Luck!

Great suggestions. I'm using some of these. I'd add that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes it isn't your bad memory or study skills, but normal unfamiliarity. Whenever I move to a new town, I never can remember north-south-east-west, but in time, directions sink in. It took me forever to understand that in Chicago, Lake Michigan is due East. LOL.

I remember how A & P I seemed impossible. Learning the bones & their landmarks took hours. I now know that all I had to memorize was the carpals, tarsals, & general names for landmarks (eg. crest, tuberosity). But then, I didn't understand the rules for naming anatomical structures & that it is repetitive. Instead I memorized everything w/o understanding anything.

While learning the names of vessels was not any easier than learning the bones, at least I knew that it is doable to memorize the important stuff.

Good luck & be gentle on yourself. Because you want to learn stuff, you will.



Specializes in LTC & Private Duty Pediatrics.


Some rules about studying:

1. For A&P 101 - 15 Week - 3 or 4 Credit Class. Plan on

3.00 Hours of study per day (average). This time does

not include time for transferring notes or research. This

is strictly memorization time.

2. Try to study 1.5 hours in AM and 1.5 hours in PM Do not do

3.0 hours in one stretch - you'll burn out pretty fast.

3. To effectively memorize requires repetition. I spend 5-10

min re-typing the same word/concept over and over again.

4. You will have good memorization days and bad

memorization days. That's a fact of life. But you still "try"

to memorize on your bad days.

5. I find that I need to repeat the same concept/word 5-10

min. And will repeat the session (set of notes) every day

over the course of 4 days. Meaning, I go over that set of

notes 4 times on 4 separate days.

6. Is it time consuming? Yes!. Does it work! Yes! Got me

several college degrees so far. Last one with a 3.8 QPA

(MS-Comp Sci). So far, I have taken A&P 101 and scored

an A in that. Am taking A&P 102 this fall.

That's my study plan. I work full time, teach part time, have

two persian cats (shampoo and bath every two weeks - takes

about 2 hours per cat), and still get my study time in.

Good luck,

John Coxey

Everyone has been really helpful in their suggestions. I took a little bit here and a little bit there. What have I learned?

I TRY TO HARD. If you are nervous and not relaxed when you go to study or take a test, you will not do well. Learned this the hard way. On Thursday, I had orientation. They gave us a TEST on how well we comprehend what we read. Well, just the thought of TEST freaked:eek: me out. I couldn't think straight on the first page, left some questions blank b/c I froze. Next several pages, I calmed down & was able to think straight.

As for my studying. I was trying so hard to learn it, the words would just bounce around in my head :chuckle . Last night, I was able to memorize more than 60 words w/in an hour. AND STILL REMEMBERED THEM THIS MORNING.

Be relaxed, don't get worked up. Try & be cool :cool: about it & it will be fine.


justjenn....don't write it. SAY IT OUT LOUD. repeat saying it over and over, look up in the air...and say the answer.

Also try singing it, and make it fun.

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