Chat room for us over 35

Nursing Students General Students


:eek: Got an idea.... On yahoo, you can make your own chat rooms (private). We could call ourselves SNOT! (Student Nurses Over Thirty-five!) Funny huh? And there's probably plenty of mucus we will see in our nursing years right? Just an idea, lemme know what ya'll think. Heather:D :roll
Specializes in ER/ICU/Trauma/Traveler.

Sounds great to me!! Snot is ggod, and I have one for the spouses

SONS of ??

Spouses of Nursing Students

I tried this once, and may very well have been doing it wrong. If you can get it to stay on Yahoo...let me know. I'll be in!


Specializes in tele, stepdown/PCU, med/surg.


I like the idea of the chat room but lol what about us 20 somethings? I mean, we student nurses need to stick together and segregating chat rooms by age doesn't agree with me. Granted I am not married or have kids, but I still know the rigors of nursing school ITSELF. Of course if you did make up the 35+ chat room, you wouldn't lock me out would you? hehe


Z, I dont' think you would be locked out. I have some really neat 20 somethings in my classes and I learn a lot from them.


No one would be locked out of course! Anyone could hang. I'll work on it and let you know over the weekend. Heather

I would love to be able to chat with any of you even if you aren't 35 yet. I myself am 39. Heather, get the room started and let us know so we can sign in. Maybe we could have scheduled chat times! Marie

I tried to do it, and I had it, but then I couldn't find it on the menu! So darned frustrating. I think I will email them and ask how. I'll try again! Heather

:eek: ok, everyone, yahoo has gotten rid of clubs (which you could make a chat room through) and now they have groups:( anywho, I set up a group for us. SNOT was already being used, I found that funny, so I set up a group SNOTF (student nurses over thirty-five):D Within the group we will be able to chat any 'ole time. If you're not part of yahoo, I think you have to sign up. Anyway, it said it takes 48 hours before we can use it, so we'll have to give it a try Saturday, March 2. How about 9am Pacific time?:rolleyes: Let's give it a try guys and gals!:roll :p Heather;) Geeps, I almost forgot the address! :imbar phew!

I have a class on Saturday maybe I can catch it some other time


I work from 6p-6a on Friday and Saturday nights, but hopefully I can make it on another time to chat!:o


:chuckle That sounds like fun. I have a class Sat morn. But will join in at another time. Thanx for the opportunity to chat with everyone

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