Will you help an "old" student nurse

Nurses General Nursing


Hi Guys,

I am 55 and have just been accepten in to an ADN Program in So. Ohio. I have been in healthcare as an adninistrator. All this leads up to my request.

Not too long ago, I was readint about a procedure where an irritant is introdiced in to the pericardium (sp?). The irritant initiated an inflamation response which further stimulated a collateral vessal growth. It seems to hold promise.

I have looked here at the internet for sometime using every combination of search terms possible. I can't fimd anything out about it.

I made the mistake of bringing this unorthidoxed procedure up in a CVD lecture and she looked at me like I was crazy. Then she asked me to find the information so she could see it.

Thanking you for your help in advance,

Ol' Jim :-)

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.


Is this what you're looking for?

Edited to say it's the fourth linked article.


Thank you for your reply last night. This article is near to what I am looking for, but the "agent" that I was reading aboout was a mechanical irritant. Sand or ground glass type of irritant. I don't think it was sand or ground glass. :-) However, it was a echanical irritant.

Again, you are the ony one to respond, so thank you again.

Jim C. :-)

Originally posted by SRNJIM


Thank you for your reply last night. This article is near to what I am looking for, but the "agent" that I was reading aboout was a mechanical irritant. Sand or ground glass type of irritant. I don't think it was sand or ground glass. :-) However, it was a echanical irritant.

Again, you are the ony one to respond, so thank you again.

Jim C. :-)

Hi Jim, WELCOME !! I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you, I'm a student too but not familiar with your question.

Have a Good Day !;)

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.


Seventh paragraph from the bottom.

"The German experiment is the latest in a decadeslong quest to find a way to grow new vessels in diseased hearts. In the 1930s, American surgeons sprinkled talc in the sac that surrounds the heart as an irritant to produce inflammation and indirectly improve blood supply to the heart. But the therapy was soon abandoned because it had limited benefit, in part because the inflammation could not be directed to a specific site and the death rate from surgery was high."

Not recent, but maybe what you're remembering?

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.

Tetracycline has been used in pleuradesis (injection into the pleural space to adhere the pleural lining to the lung in cases of recurrent pleural effusions). Talc has also been used. I believe there is another chemotherapy drug that has been used too and the name is escaping me! I'll try to find out and I'll let you know if I find it. I don't know what they would use in the pericardium but I'd imagine it could be tetracycline.

Hi There,

Thanks, I'll be looking forward to your letter of assistance. Yes, you are correct, I thnk the irritant was talc.!!! :-)


Horrifically painful thing to do to a patient. As a nurse you just can't get on top of the pain it causes.

You know Dr. Kate, I wondered about that. I am not advocating this treatment at all, just trying to find information on recent work in the area.

I am not sure, with my limited experience, just how much pain we providers may expect a patient to tolerate in the name of tretment.

If a cardiac patient is facing By-pass surg and unorthadoxed treatments like talc in the pericardium is effective..........???

Thanks for your response,


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