What am I doing Wrong?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in many.

Help! I am an LPN with 3 semesters to go for my BSN. I started working on a M/S floor in February to get the experience before I graduate. Here's my problem. The policy of the hospital is that an RN must complete 75% of the admission assessment. The only part I am to take care of is the basic info paragraph with vitals. Nursing Ed tells me, "only the first para", other LPNs I work with tell me they do the whole thing and sign it, some RNs tell me to do it and they'll sign it, and the last group tell me that they will not sign my work. I am sure to hear more about this because I refused to do an admission last night. (I got the x-fer instead). Any opinions?

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. I'd stick with the hospital policy. Those who want you to do it all may need to be reminded of what your facilities policy is....:D

I've run into similar problems with different institutions during my studies. Safest bet, remember you are still a student and abide by the rules and regulations of your educational institution. If you overstep your duties you may be risking your BScN. I still remember the days that nurses would hand me meds for a patient (already measured) and I would have to refuse because we had not yet completed our med exams. A little ackward yes but it would have gotten me in alot of trouble if my tutor had found out I had brought the meds to the patient. So there is my two cents, I feel for you as a student and understand your problem. Hope things get sorted out, talking to someone who can do something about the situation will help. Good luck!!

I agree with " stay with your ED policy" - reminds me of a cute incident when I was a CNA - Trainee, was working with a CNA and she wanted me to go help "Mertle" in the bathroom and she would start dinner trays - I reminded her with a big SMILE that I wasn't allowed to do peri-care and that I would do the trays!! Luckily she was OK with that - stick to your guns!!! as we say out here in the WEST!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Stick with the policy. Never do anything outside of your comfort zone, or outside of your scope of practice and you will never do wrong.

Originally posted by ragingmomster

Help! I am an LPN with 3 semesters to go for my BSN. I started working on a M/S floor in February to get the experience before I graduate. Here's my problem. The policy of the hospital is that an RN must complete 75% of the admission assessment. The only part I am to take care of is the basic info paragraph with vitals. Nursing Ed tells me, "only the first para". Any opinions?

Are you an RN yet? Then always do what hospital policy says to do... as an LPN....the basic info paragraph with vitals. No more, no less. You did the right thing by refusing to do the adsmission. Like 3rdshiftguy said only do what your supposed to do (going by the policy), that way you'll never do wrong. ;)

What's x-fer mean? :confused:

Specializes in many.

x-fer = transfer, x-mission = transmission. I am not sure where that came from though.

I work with an LPN who is willing to do the admission assessments for me. I have told her that this is not allowed. She can only fill in the first paragraph (reason for admission), vitals, and I will do the rest.

She likes working with me and is willing to go beyond her scope of practice. I cannot give in to the temptation to let her do this because of so many reasons (not ethical, not policy, ect). A good RN will not ask you or allow you to go beyond your scope of practice for your benefit, the patient's benefit and the law.

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