I snapped

Nurses General Nursing



I have just completed the most hellish evening of work I have ever done in my years of nursing. I went of the deep end, and I am feeling just totally disgusted with myself, I dont even know if disgusted it the right word, but I thought I had better come here and vent in the only place where I can find people who might understand. I am just sick and beside myself.

I will give you all the scene.

I go to work at the same facility I have been assigned to for the last three months...long term care. I am in a good mood despite the fact that I have learned that I will be working with a nurse that I really cant stand....we will call her "Bertha".

I have never worked alongside "bertha" , she normally works 11-7 and relieves me, she is also an agency nurse. I have little tolerance for her because she annoys me....she talks to much about crap I dont care about, and very often feels the need to ask questions during report that are irrelevant and will get snippy when you get annoyed with her, or feels the need to disagree with you on some point .......usually an irrelevant point. She is the nurse that works night turn because she cant hang on the other shifts.......she works agency because she cant hang on to a permanent assignment.....you know the type. She feels she knows it all, and yet has managed to be fired from several positions and is stupid enough to tell you about it. Always putting her two cents in when usually her two cents isnt worth two cents. She is nice, friendly, but annoying as all hell. I for some reason have very little tolerance for her.

Now , I gave ya the low down on Bertha. It is me and Bertha and yet another agency nurse working the floor. I hate it when the whole floor is staffed agency....its not fun, just another thing to cause me stress. The other nurse...we will call her "Sally", is newer to the facility and is not overly familiar with the in's and outs nor the patients. I know I have my work cut out for me.

All goes suprisingly well thoughout the evening, Bertha only manages to annoy me once early on in the shift by putting her nose up my ass. It was a minor annoyance, and it annoyed me more than it should of. I have had a quiet night, only one problem with a brittle diabetic resolved early on, and spend most of my night avoiding bertha and giving some TLC to my patients who have been somewhat neglected by the CNA who is finishing up her third double in a row and obviously has no desire to attend to the residents anylonger, so I have spent most of my evening filling pitchers and getting people comfy and settled in for the night which is fine by me and it makes me happy to do so, yet in the back of my mind I am slightly annoyed that CNA's are allowed to work so many consecutive doubles. Many seem to love this, they bust ass for two or three days and have the rest of the week off, though latley I have encountered many that choose not to but thier asses and cry about how tired they are while they spend their paychecks on their many days off.....this could be a whole other thread.

Anywho! on to my nightmare, it is the end of the night, and one of Sallys residents makes his way up to the desk and begins to ***** because he never got his meds.....this is his game, he does this all the time especially when he doesnt know the nurse...he thinks he can get away with it but we are on to him. He is nuts, aaox3, but nuts, likes to cause a fuss now and again. I tell him that yes sally gave him his meds he disagrees and starts calling us stupid and other names and what nots, hollering and fussing. I tell him repeatedly to file a complaint in the office in the morning and go to bed there is nothing he can do about it now and his name calling and rudeness arent appropriate. This goes on for about ten minutes...he bellows I tell him to go to bed. Then he puts the icing on the cake and calls sally a stupid "N" word.

I have had it and make my first mistake of the evening.

The guy is in a wheelchair and cant walk so I go behind him to wheel him back to his room because I have now heard enough.

I get behind him and start wheeling and he starts yelling and grabbing at me...this is no big deal to me and I continue to wheel him off.

BERTHA decides he should be left there, and is now yelling at me to leave him be. I am angered by this and ignoring her, I continue to take him back to his room. BERTHA decides she is now going to try and prevent me from doing so and comes around the desk and down the hall....and holds down his chair continuing to yell at me to leave him be........This is where I completley snap out and behave in a manor that is so unlike me it is frightning.

I actually grab Bertha by the arm with a death grip and glare at her ....I am trying to stare her to death. She naturally tells me to let go of her arm.....and I look at her and say......and I am so ashamed to admit that I said this......I say "back off or I may beat the shit out of you". Clearly I have flipped my lid. She looks at me in shock, I let go of her arm and she heads for the phone naturally and calls the supervisor who is not in the facility but lives a block away.

I continue to take Mr. Nasty back to his room and he, as I knew he would, brings himself back out into the hall but keeps his mouth shut for the rest of the night.

I head off the floor to take in a smoke cause I desperatly need one at this point. I happen to run into some CNA"S outside that overheard Bertha on the phone with the supervisor. They told me that they could tell that the supervisor couldnt believe what bertha was telling her and they asked me if it was true...did I infact say that to her.......I regretfully admitted that I had said what I said. I still cant believe I did that.

I will be waiting for my phone to ring tomorrow....the agency will be calling I suspect. Although this dear Bertha is good for making many unfounded complaints, perhaps this one shall be blown off....I dunno. All I know is I wigged out tonight and I cant figure out why. I have never snapped on anyone like that in my life, I sit here wondering if I should call her and apologize....she is working a double.....pr would it make matters worse.....she could end up talking endlessly to me on the phone and piss me off all over again.

I dunno, I just know that I wont find sleep tonight as for I will be trying to convince myself that I am not insane and dont need mental help.

The thing that initiated my snap was the relentless verbal assault launched on myself and the staff by a resident. I tend to wonder, where it is that the line gets drawn. How much do we as nurses have to take from families and patients? Was it so terribly wrong for me to remove that man from the nurses station or should I have left him rant and make obscene comments at us all night? Shoudl I have beat the shit out of Bertha anyway?:eek: :D :devil:

Someone out there give me some words of wisdom....I am hoping that one of you can tell me that I am not alone in my snapdom...that others have momentarily snapped as well and went onward.....no problem. We all snap out on occasion right? Perhaps I need to snap out more often?

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by mattsmom81

We all 'reach out limits' in our personal and professional lives at times. And yes, this is a good place to vent. I hope you will all forgive me if I was out of line....I have very strong feelings about violence in the workplace, and was trained by military nurses so I do tend to like things 'just so'. :)

Peace all and I hope you will all accept my apology! :)

Mattsmom...I think you made a very eloquent response to some pretty Ouch..critizisms. I really understand where you were coming from, esp. since that incident was your first, and only experince with LTC. Even though I know many caring, and devoted people working LTC, I too have seen the uglier side. I can remember before they required CNAs to be licensed!:eek:...And I do mean :eek:!

I found a NA sleeping in a pt's room, and he had stuffed a napkin in a resident's mouth so he couldn't holler out!!! I fired hiim on the spot, and called the adminstrator at home!! I also called the POLICE!! I later found out that this guy and one of the female aide friend working with him... were wanted for bank robbery, AND were ex-felons!!! It was brought to my attention, that they knew where I lived, and planned to assault me and my family..:eek:!!!! I never went back to that nursing home!!! This was also a one nite deal! I related this to say that experience definitely affects our perceptions!

Work place violence is awful thing....as the news reports tesify to everyday, and it is a very scary thing. But so is verbal abuse...and of which I think "Berthat" was definitely guilty, though still not worthy of being grabbed, or slapped. But we all have agreed on that!!!!

As one who has had to make more than my share of apologies on this site...I must say...you did this very well! :kiss:

Originally posted by mattsmom81

Perhaps I have let my personal feelings enter into this conversation....and for that I apologize.

We all have been in situations we wish we had handled differently and this is one of mine. I am sorry if I came off 'holier than thou'.. I do not aspire to be that kind of person....I was truly surprised at what I perceived as anger in some posts (granted it is sometimes hard to read emotions in print accurately)

The comment I made about nursing homes may have come from a bit of prejudice on my part because I was doing an agency shift at a LTC center when the 'rollodex nurse' unleashed her fit of anger at me. That was my ONLY venture into LTC so I wondered if a little different standard of behavior existed there, I guess! No offense to those who do LTC, I know it takes a special nurse to do LTC.

Peace all and I hope you will all accept my apology! :)

Thanks, mattsmom... I needed that. Forgiven. :kiss

And I was not "mad" at you. I felt you were being overly critical, but I didn't have the words to say it. All I could do was stare blankly at the page and think, "Like something you say is going to change her mind?? yeah, right..." :rolleyes:

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by Sleepyeyes

Thanks, mattsmom... we needed that. Forgiven. :kiss:

AWWWW... very nice...:D


The "rolodex nurse" seems to have a medication level askew:devil:

You were just in the flight path. Like someone throwing a club on the golfcourse after a bad shot................Er....Uhmm not that I would know anything about that.:uhoh3:

I have been reading your posts for a long time now. I always find them thoughtfuly worded and to the point.

Not ever spiteful, like Rolodex Nurse(new insider term for "going nursing"), getting your thoughts across in a nonconfrontational manner.

Since I was playing abitrator/advocate I can say from a neutral position that what you did was a truly wonderful thing:kiss and I wish that everyone here had your insight.


Okay, my turn!

First let me say to mattsmom, please dont ever apologize for your personal feelings, at least not to me anyway, those are in my opinion, the ones that matter most and the ones I care to hear, the ones that we learn from. I did get quite a bitter taste in my mouth from your posts, and I apologize if I intern offended you or misinterpreted what you were trying to convey.

Some one once said to me, and as I get older in life I tend to believe it, they said, "We are all a bunch of azzholes, but some of us are better at it than others". I am convinced that each and every one of us has at least a handfull of people out there who consider us to be asses. I quiver over the reality of this because in my head I am sure that I am not, but somepeople out there may disagree. I strive to be as non-assholian as possible and for this reason I have concluded that I am just not as good an asshole as alot of people out there.

Bertha.......she gets the honor of being a flaming azzhole, was probably her birth right as I suspect she was born unto a family of assholians.

Mattsmom, you did however enlighten me on a whole new aspect of this situation when you mentioned "lateral violence". I pondered that thought in my brain and I have concluded while Bertha added the fuel to my fire, it was not her I desired to beat as I had stated but it was the patient that got under my skin so badly. I have realized that in my years I have handled many out of controll over the top patients and family members, but never have I encountered such behavior as preformed by Mr.Nasty, nor have I ever had another nurse (needless to say one I had little tolerance for to begin with) make such a bold attempt as to prevent me from my action.

I ask myself what would have happend if Bertha kept her mouth shut and backed off and I see myself being completly content with Mr.nasty in his room, out of my face, and the staff free from insult. Yes I was enraged with his mouth and the "n" word signed sealed and delivered my initial action, which I am still not sure was right. Then I caught myself thinking who would have taken my "lateral outburst" if it werent for Bertha? I convince myself that there wouldnt have been one........so........is it technically "lateral" or not?

Have I confused everyone?

Someone else in a previous post had mentioned (and I am sorry but I forget who posted it, but it was a good question).

What if Bertha went o ff the deep end over my comment and got violent with me herself? Awesome notion......my response to that is I think I would have crapped my pants and that natrually would have de-escaladed the whole incident...lol. Seriously, I dont know if I was that out of controll, I remember thinking to myself as I spit out "beat the shit out of you". that yes ...I really chose the wrong words. I had been trying to think of what to say to her to get her to back off and nothing came....but that, and as it came I was saying to myself oh my god I cant believe I said that. She stormed off imediatly to the phone, and I said oh boy here we go. I honestly, and dont yell at me people! I laugh when I look back at it, I remember the tone I used.....she got the same treatment my kids get when thewords "stop it" dont cut it....I give there arm a little squeeze and give them the look of death and speak in a soft deep very slow very serious tone..."If you dont stop that...you are gonna get it". The tone is soft and serious...and its all in the eyes.....Poor Bertha got the look of doom too! Then I wonder, how scary that could have been? My kids dont get it half the time and end up being grounded or what not.....she must have just been ticked off cause I treated her like a child?! LOL.....or maybe the look of doom only works on adults?

Okay...enough of that, now. I have to say the only other violence/inappropriate launching of office supply I have ever encounterd was last year in relation to a nurse who was being quetioned about her narcotics.....she attacted the charge nurse when she was asked to present her cart keys. That was scary......and obviously not similar at all to the fore mentioned types of abuse.

I would love to hear other rolo-nurse stories.

ok so you got a little out of hand and acted by instinct. since she is going to tell on you anyway and you are already in trouble why not just go in and beat the shyt out of her?

Oh, yeah I know that look well, but I haven't had to use it in awhile....

My first husband called it the "Death Glare."

But I don't have the energy anymore to let anyone pizz me off that bad; guess I'm getting old. :cool:

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

One nurse I worked with had a solution that might perhaps work for you in the future. She had a Bertha. Once, when Bertha had just finally driven her nearly off the deep end, she just looked st her (I suppose in retrospect it was the look of doom) and said *very quietly* "I don't think you and I should see or speak to each other for quite a while." With the proper withering glare applied, it can make the offending party back off and give you some much needed time to reflect on how you will better word your displeasure at whatever the specific back-breaking straw was.

Naturally, once one is already driven over the cliff, this solution doesn't work.

I feel for you. I think any one of us, given the proper stimulus of stress and frustration, might have it in us to respond as you did. It's unpleasant to admit, but it also gives us even more reason to respect our interactions with co-workers and treat them more humanely (just in case we are unwittingly playing the Bertha role in some professional relationship! :)

Originally posted by Nurse Ratched

I think any one of us, given the proper stimulus of stress and frustration, might have it in us to respond as you did. It's unpleasant to admit, but it also gives us even more reason to respect our interactions with co-workers and treat them more humanely (just in case we are unwittingly playing the Bertha role in some professional relationship! :)

So very true, Nurse Ratched! It can be difficult to work closely with a coworker we dislike (or maybe we don't 'dislike' them per se but they just kinda get on our 'last nerve'..ha!)

I can imagine this is true particularly in a smaller LTC where there may be only two nurses on duty..... it is easier on a big hospital ward to avoid a 'Bertha' coworker. :)

Doctors seem to 'lose it' in the hospital... more so than nurses.......I have seen charts flung at a nurse with the death glare attached... been called down to OB to help frightened nurses dodging flying instruments thrown by an irate obstetrician.(we call 'em 'code whites'...the nurses called a code on a doc!) I bet many of us have seen docs out of control....and it seems to be tolerated...they may get a slap on the wrist from administration...that's all.

Thank you for your kind words Peeps and Brownie, and I thank you all for your tolerance ...I'm an old nurse 'set in my ways' and it's not always pretty, I know.Thanks for the reality check! :roll

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