Am I a nurse??

Nurses General Nursing


Well I graduate from my RN program this weekend. Am I a nurse then? Or technically do I have to wait to pass boards before I can say I am a nurse?? I am curious. Thank you! :clown: :nurse:

Specializes in School Nursing.

you cannot legally call yourself a rn until you pass your boards.

good luck ! :D

praiser :heartbeat

Specializes in cardiothoracic surgery.

You will be a graduate nurse until you pass boards. Congrats! Welcome to nursing!!!

Congrats on passing school....Once you pass your boards you can call yourself a nurse.

Specializes in Critical Care.

You survived nursing school and should feel proud to call yourself a nurse. You will be a graduate nurse until boards but a "Nurse" all the same. You do not have to wait until your boards ro call yourself a nurse, just remeber you are a grad nurse.

Welcome to nursing.

Yeah! Thank you everyone!! Graduate nurse I am then! Yippee!! :)

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I love your doggie picture, Anyway, congrats!

Spiderman did'nt know he is spidernman untill he discovered fromwithin himself certain traits for him to be spiderman. So you have to know those certain "nurse feelings" , if they are there u r a nurse!!!

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