3 Reasons Your Immune System May Not Help You This Flu Season

Do you get caught every flu season with a cold or sinus problem? Our immune system is designed to handle the pollens and bugs that cycle through the seasons provided it has your support. This article shares 3 reasons your immune system may be up to the challenge of cold and flu season. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

With Ebola in the news and the flu season upon us, I wanted to share some information about the immune system. It is and always will be your best defense against disease.

The immune system is your defense against anything that seeks to attack the body. It is your defense against bacteria, viruses, fungus and even cancer. It will respond to environmental allergies as well as allergies from food.

This brings us to the first reason your immune system may not protect you this flu season and that is because of diet.

1. S.A.D.: Standard American Diet

The typical diet is 75% processed with an overdose of sugar in food and drinks. The intake of sugar is actually at pharmaceutical doses contributing to major disease. Did you know the United States is number 1 in the world for Chronic Degenerative Disease? The US spends more money than any other on Diets and Diet products. In fact, the amount spent nationally on diets has more than doubled from $30 billion in 1992 to over $70 billion today.

And Americans eat more sugar than anywhere else in the world with most people consuming over 200 pounds of sugar per year.

Food is the major "go to" for stress relief and portions have tripled in the last 10 years. As food and drink have supersized, it is a set up for weight gain and Diabesity. A Happy Meal, about 590 calories, used to be an adult size portion. Today you can supersize your way to fast food heaven and take in over 1500 calories in one meal.

With 70% of the population overweight, and eating a processed food diet, it isn't really surprising that Diabetes and Heart Disease are showing up in younger and younger people. It doesn't take 20 years for adult-onset diabetes anymore.

Fast food sets up its own cravings and vicious cycle. The most rushed you are and the more you give in to this diet, the more sugar and fat you crave. Your immune system needs minerals and water. Your gut needs fiber. The ideal diet should actually be 60% vegetables.

A simple solution to start cleaning up your diet is to add in an apple a day. Next, add in salads. One day a week eat only fruits and vegetables and drink water. This will begin to re-mineralize your body and provide the needed hydration. A fast food diet high in sugars has dramatically decreased the amount of water people take in leading to dehydration. Without water, your body cannot eliminate toxins, lubricate joints and support healthy mucus membranes.

Food today has become entertainment, comfort and even love and really doesn't provide the nutrients or fuel for the body to do what it needs to do to support optimal health.

The S.A.D., Standard American Diet is pretty sad lacking the very nutrients to support the primary function of the gut; the ability to digest and absorb nutrients out of food. This brings us to the number 2 reason your immune system may not protect you.

2. 80% of your immune function comes from your gut

With all that sugar consumed, most of which is in the form of high fructose corn syrup, you are at risk for leaky gut. Leaky gut results when the lining of the intestine becomes damaged, inflamed and permeable (porous) releasing undigested foods, bacteria, fungus, and other foreign invaders into the sterile environment of the bloodstream. As these toxins move through the bloodstream the immune system is triggered causing generalized inflammation that contributes to many chronic conditions. Depression, joint pain, Crohn's disease, food allergies, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and more can result from leaky gut.

The heavily processed diet also includes trans fats, additives, excitotoxins, flavor enhancers along with modified gluten, all known to cause inflammation and damage to the gut lining. Add to this a lack of fiber and water and your gut builds up mucus in the digestive tract (which includes the sinuses) leading also to an imbalance in the ratio of healthy to unhealthy bacteria causing candida and yeast overgrowth.

As your gut becomes compromised so does your immune system putting you at risk for increased allergic reactions and ultimately autoimmune conditions.

The reason so many people are eating fast food is because stress has become chronic. This brings us to the 3rd reason your immune system may not protect you from the flu.

3. Chronic stress suppresses immune function

Making changes to your diet may first have to start with managing your stress. They both go hand in hand and a poor diet adds to the stress response as much as increased stress sets up the cravings for a fast food diet.

When your body goes into sympathetic overdrive, all blood is shunted away from your digestive system and your immune system and sent to your muscles so you can fight or flee. This primitive, survival instinct is triggered with real and imagined threats. The more you ruminate and worry, the greater you set up this chronic stress reaction.

There are other reasons the immune system is compromised today like overuse of antibiotics and germicidal hand gels, but these 3 reasons are the biggest. Start with a simple fix and drink more water, next add in an apple and then begin to eat more vegetables. Every meal is a choice and a chance to support overall health which includes an immune system that is designed to protect you from colds and flu.

Specializes in Inpatient Oncology/Public Health.
It's just that it's unfortunate that we live in a society where every feeling felt or hardship faced physically, emotionally and psychologically is followed up with a pill down the shoot rather than looking at what else might be better to try first. And medicine does not equal pills. There are a variety of healing methods in practicing medicine.

Obviously my words are not a complete picture.

Yes, obviously. I've suffered from depression for half my life. I've never had pills pushed on me nor have I ever taken them because they are an "easy fix." I get really tired of that assumption. I've been in therapy for years, I've been off meds for years. I've done acupuncture, dairy free, gluten free, been vegetarian for almost 16 years. But at some point, you are only going through the motions of living, not actually living. You may be existing, functioning at a very basic level, but not really living. Depression is a physiological condition. It's great that diet worked for you, but I won't be ashamed that it didn't work for me. I think I gave the alternatives a fair chance, but I needed medication to get my life back.

Yes, obviously. I've suffered from depression for half my life. I've never had pills pushed on me nor have I ever taken them because they are an "easy fix." I get really tired of that assumption. I've been in therapy for years, I've been off meds for years. I've done acupuncture, dairy free, gluten free, been vegetarian for almost 16 years. But at some point, you are only going through the motions of living, not actually living. You may be existing, functioning at a very basic level, but not really living. Depression is a physiological condition. It's great that diet worked for you, but I won't be ashamed that it didn't work for me. I think I gave the alternatives a fair chance, but I needed medication to get my life back.

And that is totally awesome that you found a help that has given you your life back! There is no reason you should be ashamed. Like I said, many people only reach for a pill for every little thing. You have not done that and I respect you for it. Like I said, I do not want people to suffer.

AmyRN, I am sorry that you ahve not had exposure to the reams of scientific evidence all around the world around this issue in particular high fructose corn syrup and the designer proteins in the modified wheat. And do you not wonder why so many people struggle with sinus trouble or why autism is so common or why so many people need antidepressants? do you think they all have a paxil deficiency? The cure for much of what ails people is indeed in the diet. how is it that US is No 1 in the world for chronic degenerative disease yet spend s as much as 4-5 x per person in healthcare costs? Why is that either medication (the 4th leading cause of death) is not doing the job to cure heart disease? I hope you will open your mind to the ravages on health because of the pharmaceutical proportions of sugar that is consumed today with over 190 lbs consumed per person per year as opposed to 2 tsp in the 1800's. Adult onset diabetes is not longer taking 20 years to develop and is showing up in younger people incl children. Same with heart disease.

Actually, I read scientific journals all the time. I have yet to find a reputable journal publishing a study to support that EVERY disease may be cured by diet. As you have claimed such, perhaps you wouldn't mind linking some of those studies? The burden of evidence is on the claimant.

And there is much more to heart disease and DM II than just diet alone.

Specializes in Leadership Development.

sistrmoon... you rock! There is no right or wrong - use all options available and thanks for sharing your experience. It is inspiring to so many people including myself. I really like it when someone finds their own solution!

Specializes in Leadership Development.

AmyRN303 every, never, always are tough words to live by. I so appreciate your comments! Stay open!