Broward college Nursing Jan 2015

U.S.A. Florida


Hello, this is a thread for any current nursing students at Broward college or those who have recently been accepted. I'm a bit confused on Broward's admission criteria. What classes exactly do they use to calculate the gpa?

No, I'm pretty sure she won't be able to tell me when the orientation is until they are done reviewing applications. My status is 'Decision Deferred' I was reading other threads and it looks like the previous classes saw changes to their status in late September/early October looks like we have a few more weeks to go.

Ah! Few more weeks I was hoping for sooner!!! I'm just as anxious as you, I've been checking everyday. I'm so nervous and excited all at the same time.

What campus do you want to go to?

I wanted to go to North campus this term but after deferring my seat I've been thinking about Central... I live equal distance from both sooo I'm just not sure yet lol

Waiting to see an update from someone going to North in the August 14' thread; hopefully someone finds time to tell us how they feel about the program so far. Do you know which campus you want to attend?

I would like to go to Central Campus. The stories are scary but I know with hard work and determination it is possible.

I know someone in the program who attends Central. He says it is very difficult, tons of reading, and many fail out. He passed both Process 1 and 2. He said it is doable. He works part-time, has a daughter, in a relationship and still manages to do well in school. If he can we all can!!!

I refuse to let the stories scare me. Everyone is different and learns/studies differently. It's just effort lots and lots of it!! :)

I don't want to work the first semester, just to get the hang of things. After I'm comfortable and get adjusted with the program I'll get a part-time job.

Determination is key to successfully completing this program!

Took Hesi on Saturday. Applied on Monday, I checked today and it says application in review. I'm so excited and cannot wait to start school.

Your application was reviewed fast. It seems they are getting the ball rolling, so hopefully we find out soon :D

Am I the only one still in the "Pre-Program Application" status?

Have you paid the application fee?

Yea, I've done everything. I sent in my application about a month ago.

I would at least call to find out. Mine says Pending Documentation, but that's because they're checking my MA certification.

When I called today, I was told by Health Science Admissions that the applications are being worked on and hopefully the first set of decisions will be out soon. Fingers crossed!

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