All FSCJ Spring 2013 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hi everyone! I decided to start this thread in hopes of seeing if there is anyone excited about applying to the fscj RN program spring 2013. I am currently taking a microbiology class this summer. I would have applied for fall 2012 but met with some technical difficulties. I have 206 in total points w/o micro. Let's stay in touch and keep this ball rolling!

The green sheet says the next daytime only program is spring 2014

That's for daytime only though. They offer daytime every semester (atleast that's what I was told)'s the N/W schedule that isn't. I hope CJ can shed some light on this lol I don't want any more competition for the N/W!! Haha this is craziness :)

Well maybe I interpreted that wrong, but I don't know why they would bother putting that on the sheet if they were going to continue having it every semester anyways. I'll email cj tomorrow and get it straight.

does anyone know about how we can get help paying for books that are not covered by finanical aid, and for the uniform and skills kit?

I have heard that worksource will help you once you receive your acceptance letter and meet some of their other criteria. There is a worksource office at north campus that will help you with this process.

ok thanks. so would i have to get a job through them or something or do they just give out financial aid?

It is like financial aid. They pay for everything. Don't take my word for it. Call worksource to validate.

when you said they pay for everything, do you mean like everything as in the books that the school's finanical aid doesn't pay for or everything as in the books, uniform, skills testing, etc.

when you said they pay for everything, do you mean like everything as in the books that the school's finanical aid doesn't pay for or everything as in the books, uniform, skills testing, etc.
Here is some information that I have about worksource. Once you get accepted into the program you will receive the same it goes: you must meet the following criteria: be accepted into the core nursing program, have a GPA of 3.0 or better, must demonstrate need by completing fafsa, and meet one of the following: unemployed, laid-off, receiving or exhausting unemployment compensation, self employed, but now unemployed, displaced homemaker, is currently working, you make less than 25.00 an hour, your household income for the last 6 months is less than the100% of county poverty limit. Here's the website: WorkSource: Connecting Workers to Jobs I hope this helps! Good luck!

thank you Liamsmama. i looked on the website but i didnt find anything about what expenses they cover besides books once i get accepted into the program. im sorry to keep bothering you. i just need to know what to save up for that im going to have to pay out of pocket, because money is tight this days for me.

Hi Beatrice91 They pay for books tuition and NCLEX. There are some threads from 2011 that gives some insight on how other students worked with worksource. Like I said before, it is a good idea to visit or call their office at north campus. They are very helpful : )


I understand...I have to pay for everything out-of-pocket as well. I think it would be a good idea if you went and spoke with someone at the Worksource office. Here is their number: 904-766-6643/6664. Here is the number for FA and scholarships: 904-766-6700. I wish I could be more of assistance!

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