BCIT September 2017 Intake

World Canada CA Programs


Hey everyone. I've seen some threads from previous intakes, but none for this upcoming one, so I thought I'd make my own.. and hopefully receive some responses.

Just wondering how many of you have applied already? And with what GPA, prior education (# of credits, past degrees), and work/volunteer hours or experience you are applying with.

Also what grades have you gotten in the pre-reqs?

I myself have got 35 credits at SFU with a 3.14 GPA..

I've been volunteering at a care home for a few months now.

My grades:

Chem 11 - 96%

Pre Calc 12 - 77%

ENGL 1177 - B

Anatomy and Physiology (1) - A-

Anatomy and Physiology (2) - B+

Psychology - A

For general education I got A's in both classes.

I just thought it would be helpful to see what others are applying with, so we can get a sense of our own standing and where we need to improve on. I hope in this thread we can all exchange tips and get to know eachother incase we do all end up going to BCIT together :)

idk much but hopefully the number of people who applied reflects the number of comments on this thread lol

Hi guys,

I also applied for the August 2017 intake and I was just wondering if any of you guys received any reply from the department yet?

Goodluck to us all!! I have just heard from the department today that I got short listed. So nervouse 😱😱😱

anybody else heard from them yet??

Just got my acceptance

i got shortlisted too!!! Nervous for the questionnaire...anyone have tips regarding the questionnaire?

@hgl2015 did you get flat out accepted or shortlisted?! Cuz if you're accepted right away then holy smokes so many congratulations! I also got shortlisted, pretty pleased!

I got shortlisted too! Congrats guys! ..and big congrats to the one who got accepted right away! ...and, of course, good luck on our upcoming online quiz!

I got waitlisted last intake. I was 3rd on the waitlist, but I didn't get in. So they offered me admissions for Sept. 2017

I just heard back from admissions today too! I got shortlisted as well. Well done and good luck everyone! :)

i got shortlisted as well! so exciting but also extremely nervous now

Congrats everyone! Looks like we'll know for sure by April 30!

Congratz everyone! I've been shortlisted too super excited and nervous!

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