SDSU Fall 2012 admission hopefuls

U.S.A. California


Good luck everybody! I really hope that you all get in. This is a really stressful time in our academic careers, so let's use this thread to comfort each other and to answer each others questions about the admissions process. And at one point or another, celebrate our admission in the SON. Thank you very much!

I don't think it matters then loll

lol that makes sense haha I should have realized that earlier. Thanks


we scored the same on the TEAS! Hope its enough. I wouldn't worry, your pre-req GPA is pretty strong and your work experience is key. It seems in recent years that there has been more diversity in acceptance to many of the State nursing programs... by this I mean not as many straight 4.0 but more with decent GPA and a variety of supplemental criteria. I really think we all have a shot in different ways. Just can't wait to find out....:confused:

hi capogirl and hpflnrsingstdnt:

looks like we all are in same boat. i am applying at sfsu for fall 2012. it's strange that we all three have nearly common scores!!!

overall gpa: 3.89

prerequisite: 4.0

teas v: 82.7 (hey, i ran out of time on reading, too :)

bilingual and volunteer experience.

man i am looking at calender every hour, but time is not going any fast, and i haven't heard anything from school yet. i wish the best to both of you, may be we all will end up same place. let's keep it positive.

Has any transfer students heard back about their admissions? My friend already got her acceptance letter! She's not a nursing applicant though.

Hey Guys!

I was just seeing if anyone had a rough estimate on how many points are competitive for SDSU ?

I called and spoke to someone and they said they were not sure but they threw out a 86.

I was a little taken back I am about 10 points off from that. Before the phone call i felt like i still had a chance now I'm worried :(

I look forward to hearing from you guys!

Hey ok26,

What do you mean they threw out an 86? LIke they didnt accept that. That sounds bogus, If you look at threads from Fall 2011 people were aceepted with 70 points.


Am I the only one constantly checking my email everyday!? I can't take this waiting any longer

Hi all,

Please remember that you have to be accepted a.k.a. eligible for transfer into University itself before you are able to get into the School of Nursing. I am 99.9% sure that something was wrong with that 86 point application. Most likely that candidate was not eligible for transfer. Please remember to just breathe and we will get thru this together.

I apologize my last post was not clear.

What i meant was that the person that i talked to said, they could not give me an exact point average for admission to the program.....

However; off the top of their head they thought 86/90 was a good estimate.

I was just curious to see what has been the lowest/average point scale for previous semesters.


Isn't 90 a perfect score/the highest point total? That can't be the average..

I think I have 71 points. I wish I had health care experience to add to that!

I agree, 86 seems a bit too high. I would think the average range is like 65-75 for most applicants.

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