2 yr School or 4 Yr School


Im a 25 yr old Male who is very interested in getting into Nursing. I was wanting to go to a community college and take the 2 yr course to become a RN, however just recently i found out that most hospitals will start to only hire RN's with a BSN.

My question is would it be a good idea for me to go to a 4 yr school and just get my BSN rather than a 2 yr school to become a RN?

The reason I wouldnt mind going to a 2 yr school is so that I can get into the work force right away after I graduate and pass the NCLEX, so I can start making money right away, then go onto a 4 yr school and get my BSN. Im just afraid by the time i graduate a 2 yr school, I wont get hired if I do not have a BSN? :confused:

theres a whole forum on adn vs bsn stuff, check it out.

Can you post the link please where i can find that particular forum. I can not seem to find. Thanks

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello, Celicastrtrcr and Welcome to allnurses.com

I moved your thread to the Registered Nurses: Diploma, ADN or BSN? forum for a better response.

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