Published Dec 9, 2005
Kiwi, BSN, RN
380 Posts
I graduated in May '05, and occasionally somebody on the unit will call me a new grad. I work in the ICU, and I understand that orientation is longer. Just wondering the general consensus on when you are no longer a new grad RN...
BeenThereDoneThat74, MSN, RN
1,944 Posts
i graduated in may '05, and occasionally somebody on the unit will call me a new grad. i work in the icu, and i understand that orientation is longer. just wondering the general consensus on when you are no longer a new grad rn...
until the next group of new grads come on your unit :chuckle. but seriously, my estimation is at least a year, maybe two. but to someone with 30 yrs experience, everyone is a new grad. it's all relative.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
Are they using it as an insult? Are you insulted to be called a new grad?
I guess it is relative, but six months to a year I guess is a new grad in my eyes.
are they using it as an insult? are you insulted to be called a new grad?
or are you just taking it as an insult?
421 Posts
until the next group of new grads come on your unit :chuckle.
this is true:)
haha! this is true. no i'm not offended by it. just wondering your opinion on when a new grad isn't a new grad anymore, hehe. now, acheiving "experienced nurse" status is another story!
bluesky, BSN, RN
864 Posts
In the ICU, I'd say 1 1/2 - 2 years.