4 years of nursing school THEN applying to med school


has anyone done this? It is what I'm interested in doing.

There are already some threads on this very question. Check out how to search for specific threads!


oops didn't think of that! thanks :)

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I sincerely wish you lots of luck in your endeavors, but I'm curious as to why you'd go to nursing school if you want to be a doctor. Nursing education doesn't seem to be a logical step in that ladder...

Specializes in Med/Surg.
I sincerely wish you lots of luck in your endeavors, but I'm curious as to why you'd go to nursing school if you want to be a doctor. Nursing education doesn't seem to be a logical step in that ladder...

I agree....have you considered a more science-heavy degree to help prepare you for a medical education?

I'm doing it because it is something I enjoy, if I dont get into med school, I'll at least have a nursing career to fall back on instead of a chem/bio degree...

It seems like it would be very difficult to complete the requirements for a BSN, which is a very difficult degree, on top of the requirements for med school. You'll need to take a year of (the science majors series) bio, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics, and some med schools require calculus and some now require biochem (again not the intro courses, but the courses for science majors). I took most of the nursing pre-req science classes (chem, the intro to ochem/biochem course that was required, cell bio, anat, physio, etc) and changed my major to a track that required the actual major sequences of these sciences. They are a lot more intense and very difficult courses. I had 4.0 in the nursing pre-req sciences. When I switched my degree to a science degree and took the major sequences of these sciences it was a whole new ballgame. It's not impossible by any means, but just realize that it might be tough to finish an already difficult degree like a BSN and complete the pre-med sciences with adequate grades to get into med school. Good luck with whatever decide :)

Specializes in Pediatric Intensive Care, Urgent Care.

Makes sense.


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