7 years out of nursing school


I'm in need of major help, advice, suggestions.

Got my BSN in '99, tested and failed TX board NCLEX in 2000. I didn't retest due to lack of confidence and marriage/children commitments. Plus, been travelling the world with my military husband and currently in Japan.

Fast forward 7 yrs., I'm ready to regain my life and would love nothing more than to finally pass the NCLEX and be an RN.

I know that TX requires you to pass NCLEX within 4 years of graduation. I have obviously exceeded that limit. I read on their website that I would have to "reeducate" in a nursing program. Does that mean, I have to do an entire BSN program all over again?!?!?

I've also been reading a lot online about RN refresher courses but almost all of them say they're for "licensed RN's wanting to return to the nursing field after years of absence." Well, I was never a licensed RN, so I don't think I qualify for these programs. I can't find a program for a BSN graduate who was never RN licensed.

I've contacted the TX BNE requesting info. on any refresher courses that I might qualify for. But from past experience, they're not really good at returning emails.

I've also contacted RN refresher programs just to see if they can shed some light on my situation. I'm anxiously awaiting their responses.

I'm at a loss. I don't know where to go from here. I've wasted 7 years already, doing nothing but working odd jobs here and there paying off 4 years of school loans. I have nothing to show for my hard work. I kick myself in the butt for not retesting during that 4 yr. period.

ANy input would be greatly appreciated. Will I really need to repeat a BSN program? Online refresher programs/courses? Best study aids? HELP!!!

Specializes in Infection Preventionist/ Occ Health.

I would think that even if you have to go back to school, you would not have to do the entire BSN program over again. I would call around to programs in your area and find out if they have ever encountered a student in your situation. In the very least you should be able to complete an accelerated BSN or the last half of an ADN program, because your general education classes are probably still good. Some schools might even let you test out of the nursing classes and just do the clinicals over.

Have you thought of becoming licensed in another state? From what I have been told Wisconsin does not have that kind of rule. I'm sure that we are not the only ones.

Good luck with your return to nursing.

Specializes in Government.

You'll really have to start with the Texas Board of Nursing. If they don't answer e-mails, then get on the phone and keep calling until you get someone who will answer. There IS an answer ...you just need to connect with the right official to tell you what it is.

I did have a friend from school in a similar situation...she didn't fail, just never took the NCLEX. Her state made her take a reflesher course.

Sounds like a plan. Get licensed in another state. That wil get you the license and be eligible to take that comprehnsive refresher course locally.

With the study for the NCLEX and the refresher course you would be back in practice.

I heard back from the TX board and I will have to re-educate in a nursing program. After spending 1001 hours on this forum, I don't have the time or energy to look into other state boards as far as their requirements. But that was a GREAT idea! I will accept my loss and re-educate. It will probably do me good since it has been 7 years since I graduated.

I am currently looking into Excelsior's online ASN program since I am currently in Japan. Because I already have my BSN, I think all my prereqs. will be accounted for. I've read lots of posts/threads and been on their website. Does anybody have any personal experience with them?

Wish me luck!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Cardiothoracics, VADs.

Wouldn't it be much easier to choose a state (such as the one suggested) which will give you a license, and then you can just attend a refresher course for RN's? This would save you having to do a bunch of unnecessary courses again - even if you go the ASN route, you'll still need refresher practical training before working.

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