Published May 21, 2018
2 Posts
Hey everyone!
I have been on this site religiously trying to obtain as much information as humanly possible. I am a 33 year old fulltime employee, divorced but in a commited relationship, and a mother to a 6 year old.
I decided to quit my job and go to school to become an RPN or RN. The thing is, I am a mature student and truth be told, although I am exremely excited, I am scared as hell and wonder what I am getting myself into. I've loved health sciences for as long as I can remember but I suffer from Math anxiety. It freaks me out and I get a mental block.
I am writing the CPA test at Georgian College in less than 2 weeks and wanted to know if there were any fellow mature students who wrote the test and if they can explain whether it was easy or difficult, how I can prepare or what to expect.
Thank you!!
22 Posts
I never wrote the test but keep practicing to feel more confident. Watch videos on the Khan Academy website. As for being a mature student, 33 is young and there were people in their 50's in the RPN program.
145 Posts
Good luck! Go over basic things like multiplication, fractions, basic bio and chem.. There should be more info on Google in regards to the test.
I quit everything to go to school in the fall to become an RN i'm 28 and will have four years of school. I know it will be very difficult but my gut has always told me I should've done nursing.
42 Posts
Hey there! I'm in a very similar situation and have applied for the RPN Program at Mohawk for January! I'll be writing my HOAE very soon, and am still working on my pre-requisites! Good luck with everything!! í ½í¹‚
15 Posts
I am a mature student too and I am 41 this year, married with a heard of children...I too am so scared I wont get in. I mean really its been forever since I was in school. I have applied at HUmber and mohawk for september and Mohawk and sheridan for January. Any advise anyone can give, I too, would be so greatful. I write June 23 and June 29..Humber first then the HOAE