Yahoo Groups!

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in Tele, Home Health, MICU, CTICU, LTC.

I was just wondering what Yahoo Groups for Excelsior students that everyone has used. Please post group name and URL if possilbe. Thanks.

Avoid that first one like the plague. It is run by the IT guy at Excel Advantage and it is nothing but an ad page for their "program." (I use quotes, because there really isn't much of a program.) It's a bait and switch if there ever was one.... They don't even have any nurses on their staff, or teachers--just this IT guy who sometimes posts that he is a nurse or a nursing student (I got it from his own lips that he is "just an IT guy"), an accountant and some sales people.

The others are pretty good though. I've made some friends and gotten lots of support that way.

And this one--keep using this one!

Good luck...

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