Wssu absn 2016


Haven't seen a thread on this yet.. Anybody else applying?

Facebook or Groupme would be great!

Hey! I made a group on Facebook you can search wssu absn 2016 or use this link

Hey you guys,

I'm currently in the program. I definitely would NOT recommend commuting from Charlotte- this program causes a lot of stress and exhaustion, so you don't want to add any more stress. Greensboro is do-able.

And for your flu shots and anything else you turn in to WSSU, make sure you make copies! A bunch of us sent in our flu shots with our original documents last fall, and then in January we got an email telling us we were expelled from the program because we had not sent in flu shot records (they had lost them).

Cg to name is Christine an dim in the cohort in front of you. I've requested to join u guys group but regardless I'm here to give u the truths of the program....unfiltered.

1. You will be broke the whole program....every week will be something different to pay for..tip...get ur whites handed down to u. If u r buying new, only buy the top and get ur own white bottoms. No they will not notice. You may also buy your own khaki bottoms as well...

2. Get a pair of comfy all white nursing shoes as well as a black pair

3. Make copies of every document u give the...they will lose it

4. Ketner is your lifeline...remember that lol

5. There r no breaks till the fall, and yes u will be going to class when the rest of the university is out

6. Don't b late to clinicals...none of the instructors r forgiving and I'm sure I'll find that out sooner or later

7. Don't buy any new books....Rent or use an older version...most of the instructors slides are based off an older edition of the book despite what dr. Holland or any of the teachers say

8. ATI books are your they should cause I'll b coughing up about 500 cash for them upfront at the start if the program

9. Don't commute if u can help it. There's always a wreck on 40 or 52 and being somewhere at 6 with a 1hr prepare time and a 30min drive isn't fun... there are many apartments around winston....I pay 580 for a 2/2. Be roommates with each other and help each other out to save money and time

10. I know u will get frustrated at register or find aid but don't go there angry...they won't help u if your rude and trust me they WILL make u mad.

11. Alot of us chose not to apply for external scholarships just because the workload is tough w/o writing an extra paper on why u need a scholarship. ..not to mention GPA requirements and such

12. Do not buy a new red bag. They r 80 bucks plus tax and u don't really need it. I'm sure there r many of us that can hand u down a bag for cheap or free

13. Get a good stethoscope. I'll be needing it Alot especially if you aren't good at taking manual blood pressure

14. All nursing supplies can be obtained from hedis. It's on Stratford rd...just Google it

15. Get your immunizations in ASAP as well as your flu shot

16. Take out as many loans as u can cause fin aid has a cap here and it gets dry at the end so having a good stash to fall back on is safe

17. Cna experience isn't required but it helps alot. Those who have their cert. Help out your classmates with Cna work...cause that will b the bulk of your clinicals for the first half of the program

18. All payments of any kind are paid at billings in the Thompson center. Just ask someone on campus or look me up if u eed a tour.

19. Try to obtain a lot b or c parking decal. If not the next next decal is the ff lot...the shuttle comes by frequently and is a cheaper lot

20. My name Is can look me up on fb at for any specific questions

I will have a room open from the Dec to march 26 in case anyone is undecided about commuting and doesn't want a lease.

21. Find a study helps alot

22. Always make time out of the day for u

23. I'll try to get a list of books, bags and other useful items that our cohort wants to sell and try to get them to you

24. Pack your lunch. Some days are 8hr lecture days with only an hour for lunch

25. I'll want to quit or stop caring at some point in the me...just keep grinding and ull get through

Thanks red queen for the extra info!

Thanks so much for the info! Just curious, are we required to wear the khakis and black shoes when we are not in clinicals?

Thanks so much for the info! Just curious, are we required to wear the khakis and black shoes when we are not in clinicals?

You can wear whatever you want within reason in class. Bring extra jackets, the heat in the building goes out frequently.

Hi everyone! This is actually my first time posting to your thread, but I have found it extremely helpful. I graduated from UNCG in 2010 and, as of right now, plan to commute from Greensboro. After being accepted into the program, I was told to send my foreign study abroad transcripts to a company for evaluation. i just recently received my evaluation and am waiting to hear back from the school about whether or not I have been officially accepted. I hope to hear some good news soon as the deadline for medical documents is quickly approaching! Did anyone else go through a similar process?

Anybody hear anything from financial aid or is it too early?

Wow! So many comments from the last time I got a notification! Thank you to all of the current ABSN students giving us tips and advice. @theredqueen and @jacob17). If we don't wear the khakis during class, when will wear them? And the black shoes? I have not heard from fin aid. Does anyone know if there is a special form for the flu shot or is it just any documentation from a dr? Does anyone know when we should be expected to register for classes? I have so many questions and feel completely in the dark about how much we need to do before orientation!

I talked to the school last week about the flu shot and proof of ATI and they told me we will receive information about when and what to do for those in an email prior to orientation. I'm assuming as of right now there isn't a specific deadline to get the flu shot.

Wow! So many comments from the last time I got a notification! Thank you to all of the current ABSN students giving us tips and advice. @theredqueen and @jacob17). If we don't wear the khakis during class, when will wear them? And the black shoes? I have not heard from fin aid. Does anyone know if there is a special form for the flu shot or is it just any documentation from a dr? Does anyone know when we should be expected to register for classes? I have so many questions and feel completely in the dark about how much we need to do before orientation!

The khakis and black shoes are for some clinicals outside of the hospital - mental health and community use them a lot.

You can use any documentation for the flu shot but TAKE A PICTURE OF IT FIRST. For real.

Financial aid is all over the place. Some of us got calls last year from an advisor but it just showed up for most people.

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