Wrap it up?

Specialties School


So suppose a kid come in to you holding an ace wrap and asks you to wrap up some sore affected body part. Then gives you a long drawn out sob story about why they need it wrapped - usually some ancient injury that they have reported to a parent but haven't had looked at by a doctor. Do you wrap it up for them?

So suppose a kid come in to you holding an ace wrap and asks you to wrap up some sore affected body part. Then gives you a long drawn out sob story about why they need it wrapped - usually some ancient injury that they have reported to a parent but haven't had looked at by a doctor. Do you wrap it up for them?

Is this kid coming to you in the hospital or is he/she coming to you at home to do this?

Is this kid coming to you in the hospital or is he/she coming to you at home to do this?

Pssst, Nurse Diane. You are in the SN Forum. He's coming to her at school.

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