Published Jun 8, 2004
Now the bill goes to the governor.
(P.S. Obviously I was wrong on the legislative issues. I guess Florida wasn't a bellwether decision afterall. Congrats to CRNA's on this one.)
457 Posts
even if they do have a science degree, how many critical patients have they taken care of?
239 Posts
WOW! You know I agree completely from what I know of AA's (admittedly not a huge amt) that CRNA's have better education, are better prepared to be safe anesthesia providers. But I guess what really is the most significant thing to me about the bill is the fact that when we as a nursing profession pull together- look what we can acomplish. Asserting ourselves as nurses and our profession of nursing as a unique and necessary part of the healthcare system is vital to keeping nursing strong. In the Louisiana bill, CRNAs are the preferred providers for anesthesia. I think that is AWESOME! It speaks a lot to how much respect is earned once you get thru the hell of CNRA school.
502 Posts
Today, the Gov. of Louisiana signed this bill into law.
206 Posts
Amen to that. Well said, Tenn. :)
96 Posts
there is already another bill waiting for vote by the house, i believe its hb1468, which wants to legalize aa's, it gets voted on in july i believe