Would licensure be possible?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing

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What can happen if you get caught lying to state BON?

What are the potential consequences of lying to a state Board of Nursing for initial licensure; are there civil and/or criminal consequences?

I am asking because a friend has bipolar disorder, and had a suicide attempt more than a decade ago. She has since taken medication, and has fully recovered; also, she has been applying to RN programs in the area after finishing prerequisites.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Generally, no. Because the BON is not a court of law. They would just deny/revoke licensure.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Some state BONs will impose a civil penalty (like $500) for failure to disclose. 

My brother has access to power plants, and failed to disclose his citizenship status, despite his residency card's expiration date (which lapsed 5 years prior to the federal background check); during the background check, he simply stated he is a US citizen.

He's been employed and has had multiple background checks since then (I.e. criminal checks, firearms permit checks (FBI)).


I seriously doubt that if my friend were to finish nursing school, and she lied on to the BON, that she'd face criminal charges. LOL. That's preposterous!

I don't recall any questions regarding the issues your friend has had when I applied for my nursing license (Indiana); so there would be no reason to lie. Not revealing your personal health history, which employers are not allowed to ask about, is not lying. I know many nurses who have or have had psychiatric issues, in particular depression, and as long as it is treated and does not affect their work, a mental health diagnosis does not impair their ability to be licensed, work or get a job.

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