Published Feb 8, 2012
20 Posts
I am a floor nurse working in a major teaching hospital for the past 6 years which I enjoy. I am working on a subacute rehab unit and make about 84000 a year and work 12 hours night shift 3x week. I also have been offered a telephonic case manager position for liberty mutual. I am very interested in doing this because i I do have an interest this type of job and it's hard to get into especially since I have no prior case management experience. my thought is I would test drive this position out to see if i like it before thinking of going part time at the hospital. I don't think i want to do bed side forever because it is tiring and I feel if I pass this opportunity up it won't come again but i am just concerned will i like it and how it will balance with kids. any thoughts would be appreciated
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I know many nurses who effectively work full time at two jobs - because 12 hour shifts enable this to happen. However, one job is always "really full time" (with benefits) and the other one is PRN or PT status because they need the flexibility to work around the primary job schedule. However, in the situation you mentioned, if you can work around the scheduling issues with both jobs and can avoid serious sleep deprivation....Go For It!! I agree, you may not get another chance to cross-train into a new career field & it's good to have something less physically taxing as you get older.
Good Luck!
thanks for your reply I think I will go for it
2 Posts
How do you like the telephonic case management? I am in a similar situation right now, wanting to try telephonic nursing but somewhat nervous about making the change into a different field. Can you tell me how it is, likes, dislikes? thanks a lot
38,333 Posts
I have known several nurses who have worked two full time jobs successfully and I have done so myself. I know another nurse who does up to 15 intermittent home health visits in a day at times, if that isn't two full time jobs, I don't know what is. And I meet that nurse at one of her other jobs. So, it can be done, long term too. Since you are thinking of doing this while you do a trial run, makes even more sense. Hope you like the new position.
Just noticed the date of the OP. Hope you are enjoying the new job, or both, if that is the case!
I have been in the telephonic nurse case manager position for about 4.5 months and so far so good. I am currently working both jobs and love both jobs. I am doing telephonic for an insurance company in workers compensation. I mean M-F no weekends or holidays and this is definately something to have if I get tired of bedside nursing. The only thing you might not like about it depending on where you go, your case load may be high. Some of the nurses I work with have a case load up to 100. But i look at it like, I do the best I can and no one is gonna die, this is not an ICU. I like my hospital job and was not ready to leave the hospital so I choose to do both. I have adjusted to sleeping less but I feel it is worth it. Hope this Helps
and eventually working from home will be an option, so that makes it much sweeter.