worksheet with visuals for remembering


hello all, I graduated in May and started med surge position in end of Nov. Help my time management is poor! My preceptors are able to look at the pt and remember everything without writing it down. I cannot! On top of that sometimes I forget to write everything down. Are there worksheets that maybe have picture of anatomical body so I can mark where tubes, wounds and such are? Also maybe pictures of iv and feedings and everything that are typically in the room and I can lable the amount and stuff. I think I am more visual and if I have a so-called picture of the room it will help me out a great deal. Does this make sense? I brought a voice recorder and planned to make verbal note of everything, but then I thought it may not comply with hipaa so I never tried this approach. I know there are several nursing worksheets, but I think one with pictures may help me more than the ones that are abundant on the internet. Thanks for help-mom35

Specializes in Med Tele, Gen Surgical.

Try this. I'm in the same boat as you. I also learned to not let myself get intimidated by the ones who can rattle it off without even looking at a sheet of paper. Those are usually the ones who have been doing this for a while and know that with "Dr. So/so's pt, if it's a total knee arthroplasty

They might express irritation to you, but do not let the temptation to "look it up later" fool you just so you can appear "faster" to the offgoing nurse. You will have better time management if you get it now, at the beginning of the shift. And it is the offgoing nurse's responsibility to adequately inform the oncoming nurse, and that includes providing time to get the info written down and clarify. And remember the irritation may not be personal. They just wanna go home!

I also learned that I gained some respect when I had a plan for what info I determined I needed to safely assume care of a pt. So when the offgoing nurse is maybe wandering and rattling off, I will guide the report to follow my sheet.

Speaking of sheet, look up the thread from "Good Morning, Gil" on "Tips for a Good Shift." I explain the stuff on my sheet, and there's some good info, especially the last posts from ninelives...

Good luck! Lobot.

DAY SHEET 2 doc (1).doc

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

That sheet is grreat!!!!

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Ditto. That brain sheet is wonderful!

Specializes in Med Tele, Gen Surgical.

Awwww. Thanks guys! :)

Now that's what I'm talkin' bout!! Thanks so much!!

Specializes in military nursing.

I am switching over to med-surg soon and this brain sheet looks PERFECT for me! You are awesome for sharing, thank you!

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