Working in a specific field (GI, Respiratory, seizures..etc)


Specializes in Pediatrics.

I THINK a job that has a focused type of patient would suit me best. I don't mind doing the same thing over and over, or just having a focused skill set. It would be nice to see a lot of the same types of patients so I can (more easily?) be knowledgeable and skilled.

I currently work on a general peds unit, so I get a variety. I feel like I know a little about a lot. I would like to be more comfortable and know a lot about one thing! What is it like working in a focused area? Do you see a lot of the same cases?

Just thinking it would help with my comfort and confidence! Nursing is a career change for me. Hard to go from knowing a lot in my last profession, to starting all over from the bottom.

I do postpartum/couplet care so quite focused. We do still see women with diabetes, hypertension, surgical complications, and stable pregnant women but for the most part the routine is the same, which is something I knew I personally would need as a nurse.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

It tough as a nurse because we deal with even if you deal with cardiac surgery...they also have diabetes HTN and CHF. Same with Cath lab people are the sum of their diseases. But as a procedure RN in radiology or GI ab there is a little more focus however these positions usually require experience.

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