Working while sick- what do you think?


So I have a massive cold/flu- basically a bug that makes me feel like hell. I'm coughing, hacking, (and at times its a productive cough), sneezing, nose is red and cracked from blowing and am completely stuffed up. My ears included- everything sounds "foggy". I'm dizzy, running a low temp at night, sore throat, scratchy voice, etc. I have clinical tomorrow and I personally feel like its not good for the already sick patients to be taken care of by a sick person, especially coughing and hacking like I am. I could probably suck it up and suffer through, but I'm on the fence about whether or not to go. It wouldn't be a problem if I didn't, I just would have to make it up. What would you do? I'm leaning towards if I don't feel any better tomorrow morning, I will stay home.

Secondly- it got me thinking about when I'm working (I finish in May). In most cases in my working history I have just gone to work sick... but that was never in a health care setting. So whats the general feeling about working while sick- I feel like its bad for the pts, but on the other hand, most times it puts your unit in a tough spot having to find someone to cover your shift. Would you go to work feeling like I do now- basically with a really bad cold?

Specializes in Critical Care, Rapid Response.

If I absolutely can't stand up I'll call in, otherwise I figure if I'm going to be miserable I might as well get paid for it. I just put on a mask and give great care, although my patients don't know who that wonderful nurse was.

Specializes in Sub Acute/Rehab; LTC.

I am in administration, and believe me, when it comes to excuses for calling out I have heard them all. In fact, myself and my ADON are making a "top 10 list". Although, unfortunately, there are staff who do abuse the absentee policy most in administration know who they are. Speaking for myself, for employees who only call out when you are truly sick, are forgiven and I would never hold it against anyone for putting patients, co-workers, and him/herself safety first. Management is well aware, at least at my facility, which employees have good work ethics and integrity. We have a fair policy: 3 or more call outs in 45 days starts the disiplinary process. A consecutive absence (i.e.3 days) counts as 1 call out with a MD note. Therefore a week of the flu would not hurt anyone. STAY HOME if you are sick!!!!!! For mild ailments, I see staff members wear mask in patients rooms to be safe.

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

Please don't come to work when you are sick, especially if you have a temp.

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