So I have a massive cold/flu- basically a bug that makes me feel like hell. I'm coughing, hacking, (and at times its a productive cough), sneezing, nose is red and cracked from blowing and am completely stuffed up. My ears included- everything sounds "foggy". I'm dizzy, running a low temp at night, sore throat, scratchy voice, etc. I have clinical tomorrow and I personally feel like its not good for the already sick patients to be taken care of by a sick person, especially coughing and hacking like I am. I could probably suck it up and suffer through, but I'm on the fence about whether or not to go. It wouldn't be a problem if I didn't, I just would have to make it up. What would you do? I'm leaning towards if I don't feel any better tomorrow morning, I will stay home.
Secondly- it got me thinking about when I'm working (I finish in May). In most cases in my working history I have just gone to work sick... but that was never in a health care setting. So whats the general feeling about working while sick- I feel like its bad for the pts, but on the other hand, most times it puts your unit in a tough spot having to find someone to cover your shift. Would you go to work feeling like I do now- basically with a really bad cold?