Published Nov 6, 2015
12 Posts
Some of us have to work to support ourselves through school for various reasons. I currently work full time in a field that is not related to nursing. I recently met someone who works at a local hospital that is hiring for phlebotomists and recommended that I should apply as they provide on training and it would be helpful as a desirable nursing skill. Well I was told to apply and send an email that I have so that my application can be "plucked" from the lot. Well I've done that and it's been a week with no word. Am I being silly thinking that the I've should have heard something by now? I'm just anxious because again it will be a valuable skill and it doesn't hurt to be already employed with a hospital. Any feedback will be most appreciated as I am grateful for anytime spent reading and giving thought to my inquiry! Thank you :)
applesxoranges, BSN, RN
2,242 Posts
Some hospitals are notorious for being sloooow. I would contact your contact though and see. I think on average it takes a month for my application to make it to the managers after HR looks at it.
WookieeRN, BSN, MSN, RN
1,050 Posts
A week really isn't a long time in the hiring world, to be honest. I would be worried if it was a month or more without hearing anything. Hiring in the hospital is a long process in a lot of facilities.
BeachsideRN, ASN
1,722 Posts
The application probably hasn't even closed yet. I would give it a couple weeks.
Thank you all for your input. Sometimes I just feel that if you say you have a need and the position (12) needs filling ASAP, that HR would get right on it. I do not want to come across needy or impatient. It would be a pay decrease, but it will ultimately help me gain skills. I guess if I stop worrying and anticipating I will not lose too much sleep over it. I do appreciate the feedback!
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
Have you looked at any other similar positions in case this one doesn't work out?
I have looked into Pharmacy Tech and patient one point sterile processing in case I wanted to go into OR.
ASAP in hiring world doesn't mean the same thing as it does elsewhere. They may *need* someone yesterday in the position on the floor but HR and hiring requires a lot of bureaucratic red tape