Published Jun 20, 2013
9 Posts
Hi everybody.
I am an RPN here in Ontario. I have been a rpn for about 2 years now working in a couple of nursing homes.
For a couple of months now I feel like I'm getting tired of working in nursing homes because I'm doing the same thing day by day and feel like I'm no longer gaining anything.
Lately I been thinking of working in a hospital because maybe something more exciting happens there and I can experience new things. However whenever I look at the job posting for hospitals they all require experience in that certain unit either 1 or 2 years experience. For example I see a lot of job positions for Med/Surg unit but they ask for 2 years experience in Med/Surg and I've been wondering how can I get that experience if I never worked on that kind of unit. I've been put in med/surg unit during my student days but that's about it for experience
I'm not longer a new grad so I can't apply via new grad position program, but at the same time I feel like even if I apply for the job they won't even look at my resume because I don't have any experience in that kind of setting.
Therefore I was wondering how did you get a job at the hospital, which unit did you start at and how did you get the experience before working for that unit?
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Working in LTC is still considered nursing experience.I would go ahead and apply to whatever is out there. It won't hurt to try. At least 5 girls that I went to school with started out in LTC and are now working in a hospital setting.It can be done. Just apply and see what they say.Good luck.
vintage_RN, BSN, RN
717 Posts
It never hurts to apply! I've heard that even if it says that they want experience that sometimes it doesn't matter. I'm in school right now for PN and doing my clinical on a general medicine floor and there are several newer RPNS working there. The nurse i was following worked in LTC for a year and then transferred to this floor. It's definitely a floor I'd like to work on when I'm finished...theres tons to see, do and experience. I'd say go for it!
22 Posts
May try looking for jobs hat are rehab/complex continuing care, the skill are similar to LTC and then you will at least have your foot in the door and can apply for internal job postings. When you're applying for med/surg jobs make sure your cover letter highlights that you have nursing experience and the aspects of the job you already know ie, wound care, time management. Good Luck.